The most Beautiful of Minds


“Enjoy what God has in mind for you.”

As an avid planner/over-thinker, this line stood out to me a like sore thumb to me at Mass yesterday.  No wonder, that there always comes a point in my “questions of life”  that I hit the great wall of Unknown…the Answer is actually in God’s mind!

And whatever the Answer is, it’s quite beautiful.


This weekend, Metro Region had their “RSVP” themed Regional Youth Conference (RYC). It really never ceases to amaze how, after all the meetings to plan any Conference, God then takes the reigns, and reveals [unleashes!] His own plan: worships and praise-fests that heal and inspire,  powerful testimonies, set-designs that reveal His creativity.  We never know what the Conference will look like exactly…but we know it will be amazing! Surely this applies to everything in life.

I’ve been reading about how much Christ’s human life was Mystery.  If we read the Gospels, we’ll notice, for one that there his life as a “growing boy in Nazareth” isn’t detailed, skipping ahead to his public ministry at 33. I wonder…If a gospel writer were to go back to Jesus’ growing days, fervently writing on this clipboard, knowing fully what Christ ended up doing for mankind (“saving us”), what would be recorded? Surely a life littered with tiny miracles, and inspirations! The Father’s plan was already in session, the author of time already writing an epic tale.

Lord, allow me to amazed by Your beautiful works, and Your beautiful mind. 

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!

One thought on “The most Beautiful of Minds”

  1. Amen, in as much as we can overplan and overorganize, God has his own plans, and God always delivers! Not once has He disappointed me!!

    You are really in love haha!!!!

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