The Mission Continues

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

Being part of God’s family inherently makes us soldiers of His army. Each soldier has a specific role in the army. Some soldiers are in the front line, others are air dispatchers, some are medics, while a handful are drivers. But each soldier must carry out his or her responsibilities to the best of their abilities in order for the army to succeed.

The community is also an army for the Lord. Each ministry has a specific task. The soldiers of that ministry carry out their roles and effectively build up the Church of the home and build up the Church of the poor.

Let us be strong and courageous in our mission area. As a chapter head, cluster head, program head, household head or member of another ministry, may we always be engaged in the mission so that God’s will may be accomplished through us.