The Joy in Waiting

I don’t like waiting. I never did actually! When you ask me to meet with you, I usually like to be on time because I dislike when people have to wait on me. When I have appointments, I make sure to allow enough time for any unpredictable circumstances. Inevitably, there would be times when I would be late but I try my best to avoid that.

So you can tell that I don’t really enjoy waiting. However, this year has been a year filled with lots of waiting. The mission volunteer program, as much as it’s very active and busy, is an opportunity (whether I like it or not) to practice waiting. It challenged me to stretch my heart while I wait for others, for the results of the aptitude test (oh that test!), for the discernment of my leaders, for the deliberations, etc. It has allowed me to cling onto Him and to pray earnestly.

My attitude towards waiting has changed over the last few months. It definitely didn’t happen overnight but gradually, only through the grace of God. Now I find peace in waiting, not because things have been clear or that I no longer have to wait, but because I know that Christ is with me while I prepare my heart for Him. I experience joy in waiting because I know that I am waiting for Him and that it will all be worth it.

“I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” (Psalm 130:5). Lord God, help me to obey and remain faithful, no matter how long I am in this place of waiting. 


Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless