The Joseph In Us

But turning away from them, he wept. Genesis 42:24

We are familiar with the story of Joseph, how jealousy leads his brothers to sell him as a slave. He ended up in Egypt and eventually found favor with pharaoh. Then there was famine across the land and all came to Egypt to buy for grains. It was in this situation that the he recognized his brothers buying grains. Memories all came back to him, hurts, feeling of betrayal and being unloved. He was angry of course and wanted revenge. But then eventually love overcomes all hurts, betrayal and anger. He wept because he felt the pain coming back, and yet he was able to see the blessing beyond it all. He saw the fingers of God guiding him in the exile, how He can turn tragedy into victory.

We have that Joseph in us, that indomitable, resilient and forgiving spirit. Lord, grant us that spirit of Joseph. Amen.