The Good Old Days

“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” – Andrew Bernard (AKA The Nard Dog)

Last night a few of us Montrealers were hanging out at our sister MJ’s new place. It was a simple night of sitting around, eating chips, playing Jungle Speed and of course, Space Team. In His simplicity God chose to reveal something to me while we were hanging out, His message to me is that recently I’ve been blessed with a great many good days.

Some days, we might feel more blessed than others. God provides, but God also withholds at times in order for us to develop character. At least that’s what I like to believe.

If we’re in the good old days right now, God is asking us to appreciate it, to love it, to cherish it. Because when it comes time for us to suffer, when it comes time for us to experience desolation, God will ask us to remember the good old days so that we might realize how He has blessed us not necessarily in the present, but in our lives as a whole.

Our God loves us in an insanely great way, and just because we might not feel His love all the time doesn’t mean that His love for us isn’t timeless.

Cherish these good days.
Cherish the memory of them.
Cherish the good days to come.

– Jesse R.

2 thoughts on “The Good Old Days”

  1. I cannot you believe you quoted the nard dog! Praise God!! Haha, I affirm you bro.

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