The First will be Last

Gospel reading, May 29

Mark 10:32-45

This is one of the most known and remembered verses of the bible.  The first will be last.

Leadership in our community is so difficult.  People watching your every move, mistakes are magnified a zillion times; your personal time is not yours alone.  It’s a lot of hardship, sacrifice and sometimes stress.

And yet no matter how hard things are, when I do it for Jesus, these things are no longer hardships but opportunities to connect with Christ.

Jesus was God and He knew it, and yet He was so focused on simply being a servant for all.  His sacrifice; the most humiliating, painful, horrible death was simply because He loved us first.

May the cross always be the “kick in the butt” to remind me that there is no hardship, trial and obstacle that will compare to what the Lord has done for me.

Lord, always remind me that everything I do, whether sweeping the floor, cooking food for the youth or leading worships and talks are all opportunities to walk with You.

All the glory and honor is Yours!