Thanks, God

For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. -Ecclesiastes 4:10

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.-John 15:13

I missed last weeks reflection due to the overall busyness of life. So here goes. Where ever you want me to go with this Lord, I am listening.

Last week, a really close friend of mine was given a test from God, to trust in His plans and to look deeper into what seemed a world that was falling apart for this sister of mine.

And that’s what was so beautiful. The support system that is our community, and the support system that is our Catholic faith…

It really isn’t about the quantity of time you’ve known someone, but really how much you are willing to sacrifice to simply be there for each other.

And there it is again. Another beautiful thing. Just the thought that I would have never met any of these people if it wasn’t for this community.

I dunno, there is a lot going on in the mind at the moment…but the sure thing that is so evident is that I owe God my everything for the people that I have in my life that I can call my real friends.

Lord, I thank You for the people in this community that You have given me. Though I may take them for granted at times, I see that You have a purpose for them in my life. I lift them up to You, in hopes that You may continue to be present in them, and that You bless them abundantly. May I never fall short of being the best I can be to them, as You have planned for me to be the best friend I can be, to whoever, when ever. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.