Sharing Your Seeds

Our Lord is very gracious and He continually blesses us with things we need and even things we don’t need just to show us a fraction of His love for us.  I struggled for weeks to come up with something inspiring, something heartwarming, something theological to share with all of you and in my indecisiveness I came up with nothing.  I put myself under my own very narrow lens and started critiquing myself and when I would come up with something to talk about I would question myself… “Why would you share that, that’s so typical of you?” or “Did you actually think you would inspire others when those experiences are expected from where you’re standing?” or “Really, you’re gonna share that again?

This was such the wrong mentality.  How could I disregard all the goodness that our Lord has given me just because it doesn’t appear flashy or life changing?  How could I take into my own hands the decision of sharing or not, when I am unaware of the power that each of my experiences holds in other peoples lives?  In my search to find something inspiring, heartwarming or theological, I found Him.  Smack-dab in the middle of all my everyday occurrences, all my funny moments, all my simple encounters, all my deep conversations and private time alone… there He was.  And because I failed to share my experiences, I failed to share Him.

Our lives are colorful and bountiful and wonderful and so full of Him.  All He asks is that we share Him with others.  We have it a whole lot easier than the early Christians, what we lack in our day and age is zeal.  Zeal to share our Lord with others.  Zeal to move confidently forward towards Him.  The gospel today says, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom;…” (Matthew 13: 37-38).  We are both called to be the “one who sows” and the “good seed”.

We are the good seeds that our Lord has scattered on this earth.  We are called to grow and bloom in His light and under His care.  At some point, we are also called to be the ones that sow and this entails using the blessings He’s given us as good seeds to share with others.  To share with others our experiences with our Lord is essentially sharing Him.

Let’s go forth evangelizing and re-evangelizing the world through our own stories; through word, thought and deed.  And the simplest way to do that is to share our lives with those around us.

Lord, Thank you for your abundant blessings.  You alone know exactly what I need, when I need them.  Allow me to never look at an experience or a feeling as too insignificant to make a difference.  Please provide me with the strength and courage to continue sharing you with others.  Bless those I will encounter, that they may be ample soil to plant your seeds. Amen.