Dream Big

To have eyes of faith is to never lose the ability to imagine what God can do. No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human mind conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him– 1 Corinthians 2: 9


On my way to the Romblon Province via ship, my service head and FTPW for Batangas province pointed to a series of small silos along the coastline. He said: “Those are where you can find the biggest anchovies.” I was puzzled, but I accepted the statement regardless. I only understood that he was joking around with me as he pointed to a another set of wider silos and said: “Those are big Spam containers.” He smiled, and shared the briefest but invaluable realization that stuck with me until this morning, at the beach before worship.

For the first time in a long time, standing and beholding the greatness of the sea in front of me, I allowed my imagination to roam free. I imagined what was over of the other side of the sea… Another Philippine Island I have never heard of. The final scene of LOTR. Heaven. In the end, I came to a peaceful resignation that much like the end of the sea, that I will not ever see the fullness of God’s greatness. But when I do get to see even a part it (e.g. In creation) boy… Was it ever a beautiful moment specially fashioned for me.

“The youth are slowly losing their ability to use their imaginations”, said CB. And consequently, the ability to dream big and become visionaries for their stake (be it a household, a chapter, sector, country) in the mission. In my own reflections, how often have I myself focused on the barriers that inhibit my mission (in service and in my life). I lose heart before I allow Him to reveal how He is already working to its completion, bit by bit.

The Lord reminds me that to remain in love with Him is to set my mind on what He is capable of doing… Which is everything, from the down right impossible. Being the Great God that He is, He could choose to trample the plans I have imagined. But because He loves me, He never denies me to freedom to dream big. In fact, He is with me in every day conversation when I am thinking of every crazy dream for my area, family, service and life. And when He laughs at them, I know without a doubt that it’s never out of absurdity but out of fatherly love.

Lord, thank you You for loving me as Your Beloved Child.

Father, in specific way, I pray for the youth of today. May they never lose their ability to imagine your greatness in all that they do. Send them Your Holy Spirit daily, to ignite their hearts with passion to live out the plans you have prepared for them.

(Today is the Feast Day of Saint Rita.) Saint Rita, Patron Saint of the Impossible, pray for us and our big dreams.


Young people being and bringing Christ wherever we are. 

That is the vision of CFC-Youth, and more often that not, I get hung up on the being Christ aspect of the vision. Giving talks, leading worships, journeying with the youth somehow displaces my sense of placement in the universe. Oh how many times has it crossed my mind that the results of all the activities in CFC-Youth in my area are brought about by me – my vision and my strength. Only to be humbled by the Lord in an awesome proportion reminding me that I am but a messenger – not the message. That my weakness, sinfulness, fears, faults – all of them – far outweigh what I can bring to the mission.

The game changer in fact is His grace. The grace that is experienced, transforms and is proclaimed. The message is Jesus Christ, not Kevin. The message is love made flesh, love on the cross, love that is raised up in victory from death. A love that triumphs over all doubt, all failures, and all sin.

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13