Loving in mistakes

Last Monday, I went to London drugs to purchase my 1-zone bus ticket, it was $21. I gave the girl $25 and she gave me a change of $19. Without counting I just held it in my hand then I realized she gave me more. I was already away from the counter so I went back and returned the $15.

I was just trying to imagine how she would feel after doing her inventory. I’m not sure if she made a mistake to other customers as well but still covering a certain amount to balance the inventory is not pleasant. I could tell her mind was on something else.

While walking to the train station, I was telling myself that that is so hard, instead of getting paid, she ends up paying for her mistake. She has to face it and be accountable for it or she can be fired for a series or repetitive mistakes if it was. She can apologize and be sorry for it but that doesn’t assure her of her job.

Is there anyone who wants to cover for someone else’s mistake after saying sorry? Is there anyone who wants to pay/ take on the accountability? Why would someone be so kind to do that? Why will someone still keep on giving infinite chances after a repetitive mistake or series of mistakes as long as there is a sincere apology?

“Lord thank you so much for paying for my sins. Thank you for waiting for my apology for my repentance. Thank you for your infinite chances whenever I fall.Thank You for loving me unconditionally. Teach me again and again Lord to focus on you. Place me in situations and opportunities that will make me choose you. Lord I pray that you will be glorified in every step of my way.”




Philippians 1:29