We Fight From Victory

We fight for victory.

A common battle cry that our leaders cry out to pump/hype/inspire us to doing some crazy thing for the Lord. It usually works, whether we are just going to a General Assembly, a Camp, or a Conference.

However this past Eastern True North Conference (TNC) was some sort of a challenge. It wasn’t until three weeks ’til the conference date that we called our first coordination meeting for all the committee heads. I remember having a conversation with Kris that nothing we’ll do for this conference will amount to something because of the time constraint, but if something happens it will only be because of the Lord.

From a program stand point, which I had the opportunity to lead with Hannah, we had to prepare one of the most creative intensive conferences ever (based on my 12 year experience in this ministry). Everything was against us – time, accessibility, and availability – yet the Lord still allowed everything to fall into place. He provided us with more than capable choreographers and dancers, our production heads, tech team, and director were all aboard to deliver the message of exposing Jesus at this conference.

In fact, those who went to conference can attest that the creatives were very sick! Even at the tech booth I was snapping, clapping, and cheering them on. At the end of the day, I was in awe that it was the smoothest conference in terms of program I’ve been too (12 years guys, 12 years). Even with all the backstage issues (and there were quite a lot), the message was delivered.

This leads me back to a reflection of mine a few days before TNC, we do not not fight for victory. In fact, the victory has already been won when Christ was raised from the dead. The birth, death, and resurrection of Christ was the victory. Every thing else that we do, specially if it’s for Him, is just an affirmation of that definitive victory. Hence we will never “lose”.

We fight from victory.

A posture not borne out of pride, but a posture borne out of faith that everything is part of His plan. That He loves us so much that He will not lead us down a path that will not bear anything good in the end.

For that, may God be praised in victory.

Saint Ignatius, pray for us. Amen.