Should Be More Loving

Praise God for this year of faith! It gives us a good reason to learn our faith and dive deeper than ever before. However, we must be careful that, as we gain knowledge about the faith, we don’t become arrogant about it. When one gains more knowledge about a subject, it’s easy to think one ‘knows better’ and begins to see him/herself better than others. I believe that the more we learn about the faith, actually, the more loving we should be. The more humble we should be. The more we should decrease so that others may increase. I think of it to be an odd thing to learn about the faith and to be less loving. It’s strange because the faith is all about Jesus Christ who is the meek and humble servant of all. How could we not be influenced to be like Him the more we learn about Him?

As we learn about the faith, let us not so much strive to increase in knowledge, but more so strive to increase in charity. Let us learn for the sake of love. If we are not becoming more loving individuals the more we learn about the faith, we need to simply go back to Jesus in all humility and let the journey be all about Him once again.

My Jesus. Amen.