God’s perfect time

I was at a CLP graduation last Saturday and was listening to the sharing of the new members. One of the new members shared how many have invited them to the CLP and they finally attended and finished – in God’s perfect time.

Flashback to God’s love story with me. My journey with Couples for Christ started in 1996, when our good couple friend invited us to attend the Christian Life Program. I was always a person who mocked religious groups. After each session I attended, I would laugh and make fun of the people who were worshipping, raising my hands in mockery and my wife would comment on how bad I was. We lasted only 3 talks (my friend gave the third talk, if he gave the first talk, we would have lasted only 1 talk). I was so worried on how the CLP was a huge commitment and burden and would totally interfere with my social life.

Three years passed and yet God, through my friend, never gave up on me. Through those years, he would constantly invite me to the CLP and I would always smile and give the lamest excuse I could think of. But going through a period of difficult time was the “St. Paul” moment of awakening for me. During this time, my friend continued to support me, no matter what. One day, after all the difficulties were finally resolved, I asked my friend why he was always there to help and he answered, “Because you are my brother”. That was such a powerful blow on me and I was in tears, and I realized how much God was continuing to reach out to me in spite of the mockery and insults I poured on His people. It made me realize that there must be something good in the members of CFC. Lastly, I would have no excuse anymore not to attend the CLP because the next CLP would in our neighborhood church; only two minutes drive at the most.

We finally attended on July 5, 1999 and had almost perfect attendance (we missed only one session due to my brother’s wedding). That date was also significant in my life as it was the day when I finally quit smoking after being a two pack a day smoker.

Truly, God has perfect timing; I truly thank God for never giving up on me and for doing great things in me that I would never imagine I would be doing. I know that no one is so unworthy of God’s love, no matter how sinful we are, His mercy has no limits.

God is awesome!!!!