Let It Be Done

During adoration today at St. Bonaventure Church, I was meditating on the gospel for today and the Lord revealed to me, through the example of Mother Mary, a lesson on discernment and service.

Mary did not ask to be the Mother of God, God chose her. Same goes for service, we do not choose our anointing, God is the one who chooses and anoints us. The message came from the Angel Gabriel, and for us, the message comes from the Holy Spirit working through our leaders. Like Mary in the Gospel, we too are usually initially troubled with the annunciation of what the Lord has told us. However, the Lord always seeks to console us with His words “do not be afraid”, just as He consoled Mary. He knows how weak we are, that is why He is always quick to minister to our frailty, especially when our hearts our troubled. The Angel then explained to Mary what the Lord has planned for her. In our case in the community, we are asked to serve in one way or another.

Like Mother Mary, our humanity asks the question “how can this be?” Naturally, we think the task the Lord is giving is impossible. Of course it’s impossible if we only rely on human strength and understanding. However, with God, nothing is impossible if we rely and lean on Him. Leaning means to not stand on our own but to be held up and rely on the strength and power of God. The Holy Spirit truly comes upon us just as He did Mother Mary, and makes all things possible. When we allow the Holy Spirit to come upon and overshadow us, Jesus Christ truly dwells within, and the fruit of whatever we do in the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ.

When we say “yes” to God, we are formed and become a little bit more like Jesus. When we say “yes”, we allow the power of the Holy Spirit take over our weaknesses. When we say “yes,” God’s will, will be done.

The experience of saying yes to God might be a very dramatic one and we might feel the presence of God very profoundly in that moment. That is a grace from God to strengthen our faith and resolve to do His will. However, do not forget that “the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38) after all was said and done. After saying yes to the Lord, those sentimental feelings and emotions, that feeling of God speaking to us might depart as well. It is important to not rely on feelings and emotions when following through with God’s calling, but solely on Truth and Love. When it comes to Charity and Truth, it does not rely on feelings and emotions but on our commitment and our act of will.

Imagine, we discern whether to be a Program, Cluster, or Advocacy Head. Also, we discern things like whether to do a sharing or a talk, and we are given many days to do this. Mary had to discern whether or not she would be the Mother of God and she was given but a few moments to discern and ask questions. Mary was full of faith, her heart was in the right place, she asked the right questions and was obedient to the message of the Lord. In the end, she said “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:31) No more questions. Just yes. She did not question if she was capable but simply found assurance in that God is able.

My brothers and sisters, when we discern let us ask the right questions—questions that will point us to God and not to ourselves. Let us listen with an open mind and heart to what God is trying to tell us. As much as discernment has to do with our lives, it has everything to do with God. We are not building our kingdom but His, so let’s always make it all about Him and His kingdom. We are merely instruments, handmaids, of His glorious plan.

We don’t only discern for big things but even the smaller things. Thus, whatever we are asked to do no matter how small or menial the task, let us always praise our God and do it with joy because we do it for love of Him. That is serving with a  servant’s heart.

Heavenly Father, we praise You. Please help us in our constant discernment to do Your Will. Purify our hearts so that we may see You, and help us not to linger on a decision you might have already affirmed us of. Help us to courageously answer Your call, no matter the call. May You be glorified and loved always. Amen.

March 4, 2013

Witnessing naturally follows obedience, just as charity naturally follows faith. The obedience of faith leads to the witnessing of charity. To be obedient in faith is to put ourself in the position to be found, to be entered into, to be pursued, to be embraced, to be encountered and loved by Jesus Christ. To be obedient to God is to allow His Holy Spirit to dwell, transform, and animate us. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the perfect example of this. Through her obedience, Jesus Christ was conceived in her by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus literally came to her. Mary truly loves us because of how present the Lord is in her.

In a very real and mystical way, when we are obedient to God, Jesus comes to us and the Holy Spirit dwells, transforms, and animates us. We become more like Him. We can only pray that we may love our neighbour with Christ in us, just as Mary does.

True obedience is the dying to one’s self (Phil. 2:8). This is why it’s the hardest thing for me to do. The more I reflect on obedience, the more I realize how disobedient I actually am because of my refusal to die to self. I am very selfish and of little faith and in many areas of my life I am blind and ignorant.

Maybe I am blind and ignorant because a part of me wants to stay this way. Maybe a part of me is scared of the light because it would reveal the true darkness in my life. This journey towards holiness is very illuminating. I mean, this journey has definitely illuminated by mind and my knowledge has increased about the faith, but more so, it has made clearer to me my sinfulness.

Lord, I am a sinner. My sins are as numerous as the stars. Daily, I sin because of my thoughts and words, in what I’ve done, and what I’ve failed to do. Lord, have mercy!

As I continue my lenten journey, oh Lord, please be gracious and merciful to me. Please give me the grace to have true sorrow for my sins and the resolve to sin no more. Increase my faith in You oh God, help me to be obedient so that You can simply do Your will through me. Help me to let go and to lose my life for Your sake. Come to me, Jesus, make haste to help me. Amen.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Should Be More Loving

Praise God for this year of faith! It gives us a good reason to learn our faith and dive deeper than ever before. However, we must be careful that, as we gain knowledge about the faith, we don’t become arrogant about it. When one gains more knowledge about a subject, it’s easy to think one ‘knows better’ and begins to see him/herself better than others. I believe that the more we learn about the faith, actually, the more loving we should be. The more humble we should be. The more we should decrease so that others may increase. I think of it to be an odd thing to learn about the faith and to be less loving. It’s strange because the faith is all about Jesus Christ who is the meek and humble servant of all. How could we not be influenced to be like Him the more we learn about Him?

As we learn about the faith, let us not so much strive to increase in knowledge, but more so strive to increase in charity. Let us learn for the sake of love. If we are not becoming more loving individuals the more we learn about the faith, we need to simply go back to Jesus in all humility and let the journey be all about Him once again.

My Jesus. Amen.