The Tree Of Faith, Hope, and Love.

This reflection is inspired by CFC-Youth Canada’s Eastern Mission Volunteers Coordination Meeting last Friday, July 12, 2013.

Let our faith be like the roots of a tree. Always looking for nourishment, always going deeper, always anchoring ourselves to the bedrock of the faith. So when a storm of anxieties, fears, doubts, and uncontrollable situations arise; we may be moved and shaken a bit, but never destroyed. (Colossians 2:6-7)

Let our hope be like that of a trunk of a tree. Always aiming higher and trying to reach the sun – the Son. The more we have hope, the higher the tree becomes, the easier it is for people to see what we hope for which is the Son. We become landmarks, a sight to see, a light to the world. (Matthew 5:14)

Let our love be like the branches. Giving shade to those who are in need of rest, giving life who eat the fruits of our labor, extending outward and always seeking out to cover more ground. (John 15:2)

If we become a tree of faith, hope, and love – we not only prosper and become fully alive, we also become a breath of life to those around us.

Lord, allow me to grow in faith, hope, and love – rooted, reaching, and abounding – with, in, and through – You. Amen.

This blog is also cross-posted on my own personal blog: