
I met a brother during my recent trip to LA last month. I gave a talk for CFC-Youth San Diego and I was introduced to this joyful brother named Jayson Adams. Jayson is your typical CFC-Youth, happily spending his summer hanging out with his friends and serving the Lord through CFC-Youth. However, one thing that Jayson experiences that we don’t is that he has two rare forms of cancer. Not one, but two.

Now, I’m known to be critical (at times hyper-critical) of the things I do see and experience whether it be something positive or negative. I would still see something negative from something that is really positive. But the way Jayson lives his life is something that really slaps me in the face – yes a slap (or two, three, and then some) in the face of a missionary.

From a blog by his family of his journey – – Jayson shares from a recent Youth Camp a question that we might and most probably ask if we were in his situation.

He asked the question why.

But he asks something more. He asks why was he surviving?

Now when I face problems whether it be the big problems in life or the #firstworldproblems, that should never be a problem in the first place, I would usually make a big deal out of it and act as if the world would end if it wasn’t resolved quickly. At times be quick to announce that indeed #thestruggleisreal.

However, Jayson faces a real life-threatening problem, and asks for the source, of him still being able to enjoy the graces and blessings in his life. He focuses on God’s love. As I reflect on this, his point of view is not optimism but rather a realistic point of view. Allow me to explain.

A quick search of optimism on google yields this definition “hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.” It based on a possibility of something positive in the future. Totally not the case for Jayson.

To be Christian is to believe, to experience, and to be transformed by the Love of God that is constantly and unconditionally at work in our lives. Jayson sees this perfectly in his own “struggle”. His is grounded, raised and is in fact very much living in the reality of God, Who is Love.

If I am then to be a Christian – the root of my missionary call – then I should be realistically looking and living in His love. His love gives meaning and purpose to my life. Ergo, I should see grace and blessings abound even amidst the trials and tribulations.

Yes, easier said than done. But at least knowing this, is a step in the right direction.

The thought of my pain, my homelessness, is bitter poison. I think of it constantly, and my spirit is depressed. Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue. Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have, and so in Him I put my hope. – Lamentations 3:19-24

Lord, allow me to see everything for what it is – a product of your Love.

St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for Jayson Adams. Amen.

**This reflection is also posted on my personal blog at

To Be Like You

I think I can hopefully speak for all of us when we say, it has definitely been a blessed summer. The Lord has been so great, and after reading upon all the other fellow MV’s reflections, I didn’t want to do anything else but get this going. So here goes:

“Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

I’ve always had the question lingering into the mind, “Whose really there for you?” This isn’t something that just sits, it digs. I can recall as far back as the beginning of high school even. This question, that turned to selfish action, hardened my heart, and created someone different. I can admit, I’m loud. I act out on whatever and do it around whoever and I did it because I felt empty, lonely even. You can say it built more insecurities as I struggled to just find people I can call MY friends. Bouncing around, doing what I can to fill that void of loneliness. Even up to today.

That’s changed. And after reflecting on this summer, I really owe it up to the Lord, to the MV program, to the community, to my family, to the people that were and are there for me.

I’ve been blessed to go to ILC, meet my God sister for the first time EVER in the Philippines at ILC, travel to cook, prioritize my family again, lead praisefest at our RYC, serve at Conference, meet great people, come back to a family trip….

When on this journey was I ever alone? Though there were times where I’ve spent days alone…did God ever really leave me with no one there? No, because He was there. Like Johnathan was there for David, Ruth was there with Naomi, etc etc…God really showed His existence and His being through ever person and every blessing I was able to witness in the past, present.

One of the best parts about being an MV, or even just being in the community, I can pass this reflection/realization in the way I live, act, and love to whoever needs it. Think about it. Think about the past summer, years, days, even few seconds…look around you…even if there is no one there…There’s stories/experiences even in the laptop you are using to read this…someone made that for your enjoyment. Or even that picture in the living room, those people have been there all your life.

There is much to do. There are a lot of things to patch up. But God has planned something greater. This summer helped me realize how much more I want to be like Him, and how much more I want to share Him. Thank You, Lord. There is much to do.

“Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.”– Hebrews 13:5

Lord, may I be able to love like You. To think like You. To be like You in any way You want me to be. Thank You for never leaving me, or leaving the people in my house, in the community, or even taking Your eyes off all of Your creations. We need You.

Desiderio Domini

Sharing Your Seeds

Our Lord is very gracious and He continually blesses us with things we need and even things we don’t need just to show us a fraction of His love for us.  I struggled for weeks to come up with something inspiring, something heartwarming, something theological to share with all of you and in my indecisiveness I came up with nothing.  I put myself under my own very narrow lens and started critiquing myself and when I would come up with something to talk about I would question myself… “Why would you share that, that’s so typical of you?” or “Did you actually think you would inspire others when those experiences are expected from where you’re standing?” or “Really, you’re gonna share that again?

This was such the wrong mentality.  How could I disregard all the goodness that our Lord has given me just because it doesn’t appear flashy or life changing?  How could I take into my own hands the decision of sharing or not, when I am unaware of the power that each of my experiences holds in other peoples lives?  In my search to find something inspiring, heartwarming or theological, I found Him.  Smack-dab in the middle of all my everyday occurrences, all my funny moments, all my simple encounters, all my deep conversations and private time alone… there He was.  And because I failed to share my experiences, I failed to share Him.

Our lives are colorful and bountiful and wonderful and so full of Him.  All He asks is that we share Him with others.  We have it a whole lot easier than the early Christians, what we lack in our day and age is zeal.  Zeal to share our Lord with others.  Zeal to move confidently forward towards Him.  The gospel today says, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom;…” (Matthew 13: 37-38).  We are both called to be the “one who sows” and the “good seed”.

We are the good seeds that our Lord has scattered on this earth.  We are called to grow and bloom in His light and under His care.  At some point, we are also called to be the ones that sow and this entails using the blessings He’s given us as good seeds to share with others.  To share with others our experiences with our Lord is essentially sharing Him.

Let’s go forth evangelizing and re-evangelizing the world through our own stories; through word, thought and deed.  And the simplest way to do that is to share our lives with those around us.

Lord, Thank you for your abundant blessings.  You alone know exactly what I need, when I need them.  Allow me to never look at an experience or a feeling as too insignificant to make a difference.  Please provide me with the strength and courage to continue sharing you with others.  Bless those I will encounter, that they may be ample soil to plant your seeds. Amen.