The Masterpiece
They say you’re in tune, when you’re in the same frequency
I found that He was consistent even with my inconsistency
To find the Lord speaking my own language was mind blowing
Reinforcing the fact that He truly is All Powerful and All Knowing
So as I take in the fact that yes He is Almighty
I am more so loved completely and overwhelmingly
That the Breather of Stars and Galaxies
Took notice of me, even with all my iniquities
And in His grandeur
I am the only one He sees
The universe is His overture
And I am His masterpiece
So brethren, take heart of the promise, that we are His beloved
At the end of the day, unconditional is implemented
As He loved us first, we are called to love others
To bring others into the fold as sisters and brothers
And in His grandeur
We are the only one He sees
The universe is His overture
And we are His masterpiece