Swear off the Superficial

Pretension carries with it a hint of the negative. It’s as if to aspire or to make claim of something greater should be looked down upon. How dare I step out of line? How dare I not meet the expectations that have been placed on me by others? How dare I?!? And so we’re inclined to defer, to hold of, to shelve actively seeking that which might satisfy our desires in lieu of resting calmly and gently on the surface.

I am so bored.

Pretension carries with it a hint of the negative, but there’s an upside.

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What is this for? Is this simply a machine meant to reaffirm my personal prayer life? Or is it the opposite, that which can function to truly and unabashedly make way for an authentic, intellectual, yet self-aware — by means of recognizing circumstance — relationship with the Lord?

Who cares about the little details that have led me to know Christ more? Do my experiences even hold the slightest potential of alignment towards another’s journey to knowing the workings of God in our shared existence? Maybe. But are we then simply just piecing together little bits of our neighbours experiences for our own advantage whether ambiguous or definitive? Are we, and do I, simply take what I please from others without every truly knowing them? Or worse… without ever truly loving them?

Do I know and love those whom I take from?

Metaphor, simile and analogies are selfish constructs of the mind with no real assuredness of affiliation to the source.

And so I ask again, do I know and love those whom I take from?

Let’s talk. There lies the upside.

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”