St. Joseph

I’ve often been reflecting on the growth of my manhood as of recently. I’ve always had this deep personal pull toward the life of St. Joseph (Ironic because there’s not much to read in the bible about him), but there is this beauty to the obedience and humility of this man.

I think that’s simply it. I’m drawn to his obedience, his humility and most especially his action in the silence that he is often associated with. Its beautiful. I feel drawn to pray for so many different things and I dream to live my life as a man to pastor, protect, and provide for all I journey with in mission, friendship, relationship and vocation.

Thank you St. Joseph. I’m even leaving this blog open to how people interpret you because there is so much beauty in your contribution to my faith.

Read about him…or I’ll just blog more about him. HAHA

Deo Gloria.