
to love others when things are going well is easy; it’s the most natural thing in the world. but to love in spite of the hurts and disappointments is just … hard. almost impossible. so for the past few weeks, one of my prayers has been to let me love others more. this past two weeks has been tough because of the hurts and disappointments that I felt regarding something I really, really, really care about. but now that I realize it, the silver lining regarding the events that transpired is His answer to my prayers.

I was talking to a brother about it and after a few days worth of letting our emotions get to us, after ranting and venting to each other about what was happening, we both realized that although it may not necessarily be the easier route, we’re always called to be the bigger persons. the ones to try and understand, the ones to reach out even if that’s the last thing we’d want to do. to really be Christ to whomever we encountered and to bring Christ wherever we went. it also helped that when we didn’t know what to do anymore and we both felt like we were already reaching our breaking point, God always manifested His presence to comfort and affirm us. He spoke to us through our couple coordinators, verse of the day apps (2 Tim 1:6-7), the gospel for the day (Luke 24:13-35, John 20:11-18, John 20:19-31), whenever we opened our Bibles randomly (Mark 4:1-20, Ezekiel 12:1-4), and even (in the Mass that we weren’t supposed to go to initially) during the homily that felt like it was personally written for us.

to be affirmed and to find solace and comfort in God made us remember our roles and why we’re serving in this capacity. yes, we have to be a leader that corrects mistakes but we also have to be a brother / sister that supports, someone who will be there through the good times and the bad times. personally for me, it has affirmed the desire to perhaps go for full time and/or social work (Lord, whatever Your will is…) because to see so many people hurting has reignited the desire to be the one to try and bring them to light.

Lord, when things get tough, may You remind us of your unconditional love for us so that we may pass it on to others. let the cross be our guide to love others as You have loved us. may we always see the beauty and the goodness in other people no matter how hard it may be and may You give us the patience and a heart of a servant in order to fully serve the people You’ve entrusted us with.