…So Much I’ve Got to Give it Away

We recently had our MVA Shout and one of the activities we got to participate in was the monthly Gather for the Homeless that my SFC household head organizes every month. Unfortunately, because of the busyness of the youth, I was never able to attend so this was a blessing in disguise. Even though it was raining and we didn’t have proper gear for the weather it was still really beautiful talking and sharing with those on the street for something that I would consider so little as a conversation and Tim Horton’s donut. The song “One Day” by Hillsong kept playing in my head as we encountered people.

During the SHouT we were challenged before going out to give away one personal item. This wasn’t a challenge I hadn’t heard of before but one I dreaded to receive. Mainly, because I’m not the type of person who would carry a “personal” item (not to say i’m not a hoarder – you can ask for my kindergarten report card, I still have it). I’d like to think im a practical person, if I wouldn’t use it what’s the point of having something with you.

As we were walking and talking, I was sharing my small umbrella with my partner and as we continued to meet more and more people my practical self went “Oh no, I know what I need to give away”. My umbrella that I thoughtlessly throw into my bag everyday for those just in case moments was something I did treasure and parting with it wouldn’t be easy. Especially in the weather we were in, I knew it was what I was going to give away. I’m happy I did because the women I gave it to was so happy and thankful for it and it did bring me joy even though I was soaking wet.

Now as SHouT came to an end, I was talking to my fellow MVAs and I realized we never processed about giving away our personal items. As I asked them, they all revealed to not have given anything away. I was disappointed. Here I was, finally following the rules, being “obedient” and they hadn’t even processed? I wasn’t able to stand up and say “I DID IT!” Of course after a good minute of vocalizing my disappointment I quickly stopped before I got a little too heated. I took some time to just think for bit in silence, I guess I reflected. Did my act of kindness NEED processing or did I need applause? Was it really an Act of kindness if I needed some sort of validation? Wasn’t the fact that God knew my intentions and my actions enough? Is He more than enough for me?

This lead to my prayer for this week:

Father God help me think less of myself and more for others. Jesus, help me be more like you. Holy Spirit, guide my heart that all that I do is only for the glory God and not for myself. 


In Christ,
