Slow down.

These past couple of weeks, I felt like I’ve been so busy with everything (thus, posting this really really late), especially because it is exam season for me. Earlier today, I finished writing my fifth exam. It’s not my last exam, but for some reason, I felt a little relief. I honestly felt like the days went by so fast that I couldn’t even remember what happened. Few hours ago, as I was…

“Making my way downtown, walking fast,
Faces pass and I’m home bound”

(LOL, I had to insert it……)

…and for some reason, I saw myself just “creepily” (LOL) staring at people and observing how they moved as I was walking towards the train station platform. Of course, when you’re in Downtown Toronto, everyone is moving so fast; as if they are always running after or away from something. It’s such as fast-paced environment. Then all of a sudden, I decided to stop moving and just completely observe everyone. Little did I know, beyond this haste is a whole new big picture. Yeah, most people are in a hurry going home, but some are not. Some people are just casually sitting around, chilling and enjoying the sun. Some people are meeting up with their friends. Some people are trying to figure out where to go. Some people are just “still.” Then I realized, this is what I forgot to do these past few weeks, to slow down; to just be still, even for just a moment.

John 11:9 “Aren’t there 12 hours in a day?”

These past few weeks literally felt like there was just 12 hours in a day. It was so hectic that I was not able to see the stillness beyond this rush. I saw myself complaining a lot about being so tired and busy, but little did I know, it’s also my fault, ‘cause I never had time to just pause. If only I paused for a while, I would be seeing the stillness that God provided, the peace within this haste. Yes, I did feel like I accomplished a lot of things, but I forgot to finish the more important ones. I missed the fact that it is really spring already (YEY! Praise the Lord for such a warm perfect weather!). I failed to realize that I am almost done my exams (ONE more to go!). I failed to thank Him for all the blessings that He has showered me these past few weeks. I forgot that our family just got bigger, with the birth of my niece last week! I had lesser “dates” with the Lord, because I felt like I didn’t have that much time. I simply forgot to

“Be still and know that He is God” Psalm 46:10

I forgot the more important ones. I missed a lot of His messages, and little did I know, I wasn’t able to accomplish His plans, because I was too busy finishing my own plans. In reality, at the end of the day, His plans are all the matter. Most of the time, we think that there is not enough time, but actually there is. There is a reason why God just made it 24 hours a day, not 23; not 25. He knows that 24 hours is all we need. He knows that 24 hours is more than enough, if we just use it wisely and for His greater glory. There is stillness within this chaos. We just fail to see it because we forget to slow down and see the bigger picture that God has in-stored for us.

It’s okay to just pause for a moment and see what He has planned for us. His plans are so beautiful, we just need to slowly and carefully look at it and embrace it.

Be still. Slow down: Such a beautiful reminder from Him.

“And I’m restless, I’m restless
‘Til I rest in You, ’til I rest in You
I’m restless, I’m restless
‘Til I rest in You, ’til I rest in You
Oh God, I wanna rest in You”


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