Sincerity and Vulnerability

Lately, I have been lacking a sense of sincerity and vulnerability in my prayers. I say my daily prayers and offer myself and my day to the Lord, but I do it out of habit or because I know I ought to do it.

Then I am reminded of Hosea 6:6:

“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burn offerings.”

I feel like God is reminding me that I need to love Him with all my heart, soul, strength and mind. Any sacrifices, big or small, that I make mean nothing unless I do them out of love. It’s very easy for me to convince myself that it’s okay to hold back in prayer or to only do it when it’s convenient because I make service (an output) be a way of loving God. As true as this sounds, I think God wants more than just our deeds. He wants us. He wants our hearts.

I thank God for reminding me that service is always an outpouring of love, a response to being loved. I can only give what I receive.  And I can only receive when I empty myself.

Lord, I empty myself because I want to be filled with your love. I want to experience your love personally. Help me to serve others because I am in love with You.