
Last February I commenced training at another program within the organization I work for; but this time it was with women suffering from addictions. We’re not talking about marijuana or alcohol; we’re talking cocaine, amphetamines and other hard drugs.

All 11 women within the house are either currently involved or have been involved in the sex trade. Although some shifts posed their own challenges, one in particular made it difficult for me to go back to the program. At 6:45am, just 15 minutes before the end of my shift, the doorbell rang frantically. I rushed down the stairs and to my surprise, whoever was trying to get into the house was already in, and they began to scream and hit the walls, using profanity as they walked up and down the hallways. I called them to the front of the house and the woman (clearly intoxicated) ran up to me, face almost touching mine, and she continued to yell. I locked myself into the office and she began kicking the door, and banging on the windows. To cut the story short, I ended up calling the police to escort her to Recovery (another program) to sober up.

I went home that morning, clearly shaken. I took a long walk to the basilica where mass was soon to begin. Although physically and mentally drained, I wanted nothing more than to kneel and find rest in my Father’s house and to thank Him for keeping me safe throughout the ordeal.

That night, I laid in bed going over the occurrences of that day. I thought about the women in the program, my great fear of returning to work, and I started to ask God.. I asked Him to show me that He hadn’t forgotten about these women. Although I never label them as such, in lament terms (and as a biblical comparison), they are, in fact, prostitutes. But beyond that they experienced homelessness, mental and physical abuse, addictions.. Lord, did you forget about them? And before I even finished my question, a loud and clear voice said, “I sent you there, didn’t I?” I was shocked into silence. I was sent, to literally serve the people scoffed at by society, the people who were swept under the rug. It has been, and continues to be, a humbling experience.. It really made me realize that we are His instruments, and although the circumstances may not be ideal, or even good.. we are called, and we are sent.

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