Rush and crash

I’m a person that likes to have control over things (and I’m sure a lot of us in this community do). I need to know the details of what I’m doing in order for me to do it confidently. I need things planned and I get stressed when things aren’t “working out”. Sometimes I would break down/give up if my situations became so drastically disordered.

Every RYC season (i.e. first 4-5 months of the year), planning always gets so busy. These were a couple of stressful thoughts I’ve had in the past week:

Okay good, camp is done… finals are done… time to focus on RYC
WOAH RYC is in two weeks
Did we inform every member in Winnipeg?
Does Regina and Saskatoon need help with anything?
DARN I forgot I work Friday nights
Maaah school starts again next week
OK here’s your to-do list: Print more registration forms, pick up youth’s registrations, buy name tag materials, make resignation letter, continue looking for another job, meetings for service, buy textbooks, buy bus pass, pay tuition, get haircut, etc.

“Wahhh… Lord please slow down”

On Thursday, I got into a car accident. It wasn’t disastrous or anything really horrible, but ultimately… it was my fault. My first thought was OH NO there goes my TNC registration. But thank God we were okay. My second thought was WAH how am I going to pay for TNC?… All of those stressful worries came into my head again: my car, my job, money, TNC, my members, RYC registration stuff, school, tuition, textbooks, etc. etc. etc.

I was on the verge of just breaking down. Thankfully, we were planning to go to adoration right before the accident. So we made our way to Holy Cross and when we got there I still felt very uneasy. I asked The Lord to give me peace because I was just so shaken by that stress. I asked Him again, “Lord… Can You PLEASE slow down with everything… I can’t keep up.”

It’s kinda funny because when I realized what The Lord was trying to tell me, I smiled and thought Oooooooooohhh! Maybe I was in that accident because I was rushing and I wasn’t focused. He told me,

My timing is perfect. YOU need to slow down. Follow My lead.
Why worry? Everything’s already set.
You worry too much, you doubt yourself too much.
You need more faith. Just have faith.
Focus on Me. I am with

Though I lost money from the accident, I feel as if it was the reminder that I needed. I was so caught up with rushing to meet deadlines, stressing myself out and gradually becoming overwhelmed with everything. Even walking into the adoration chapel– I almost forgot to take off my shoes in my rush to get my heart at ease in the presence of Our God. In the midst of all this planning, I’ve been rushing and as a result, I’ve grown less focused on Christ.

We may make our plans, but God has the last word. You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out. – Proverbs 16:1-3