road reflection

This reflection is from my drive earlier today
hopefully it makes sense. if it doesn’t, sorry po..

so driving during rush hour.. heading home.. crazyyy!
cars over taking, cars not moving, clogged intersections, cargo trucks.. crazyy! hehe
a 15min drive can become almost an hour plus drive
but taking your time to get through the traffic.. a gift.
Safety. Patience. Time. from taking your time po 🙂

Safety- caring not only for the your own safety but for those around you too
cutting off cars can put you in harms way or cause another person to go on a road rage (raging driver on road=unsafe)

Patience- “smell the roses and blow the candles” (c/o Kyle Beley) relax.
learning it and developing it can help us in the long run.
Good for the health and good for the soul. Also, it opens up ways for more gifts and talents po.

Time- it’s understandable that sometimes you’re catching a time (work, school or next episode of HIMYM)
but take your time, either way you can’t make your car fly hehe
the hour or so jam is a gift to develop a virtue or to reflect and think of this reflection or pray 🙂

I guess this can relate to life (hopefully..)
many times we’re always in a rush to get something and get some where.. that we forget to appreciate the opportunity given
take the chance to be sensitive to others, caring for them.. their safety. Love. (Jn 13:34)
take the chance to develop the bountiful gifts we’re given (Mt 25:14-30)
take chance to bask in His moment in time (which is not existent because we know He is eternity. Rev 22:13)

To be honest, I was and still am guilty of rushing.. in both driving and life.
I am learning and trying to take it slow.. but I still have a long way to go hehe

God bless.

One thought on “road reflection”

  1. “raging driver on road=unsafe” amen, and amen to everything else you shared.

    “the hour or so jam is a gift to develop a virtue or to reflect and think of this reflection or pray” It’s amazing how much we grow when we have this attitude.

    God bless you Mier!

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