Remember your roots

On Saturday I had the chance to visit the West Sector’s Kids for Christ JK and SK Camp. Since becoming KFC Area, I wanted to be able to visit the West sector any chance I can get just to familiarize myself with their core and CC’s since I never had the chance too when I was just East Sector for KFC, only time I would see them would be Area events and preps. After a very long trip, I arrived at St. Joseph’s school and went inside the venue. So many new faces; children, core and parents.. It definitely felt peculiar being somewhere I wasn’t used to.

At one point of the event, they asked me to join in on the song teachings with the ROCK leaders and KFCs. Let me tell you, what a walk down memory lane! I hesitated because I didn’t remember the actions to the new KFC songs.. But I had such a pleasant time teaching the songs and interacting with the other core and children and dancing, laughing… It seemed like it’s been ages since I’ve done this.

I forgot what it was like to be with the children during these event. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to just take the time to be with the KFC’s because I found myself stressing over the schedule and making sure the overall turn out of the event was, I guess, successful.

Becoming the East Sector, now the Area head for KFC, it was a given that we would be given more responsibilities in terms of running the actual event and making sure that it ran smoothly. But at the same time, after that one moment of being with the kids, I realized how easy it was to lose sight of the initial purpose of why I wanted to serve for Kids for Christ in the first place, and why I stayed despite the hardships.

KFC believes that to be able to build an attractive environment to the kids, the program should have the “ 4F ” principle:

It is fun. Activities are enjoyable and they stimulate the child’s creativity, perception, and sensitivity.

It is built on friendships. Activities encourage the members to build strong friendships with one another.

It enhances the faith. Activities are geared towards their relationship with God explain Christian faith elements in kids language.

It allows, free but responsible expression. Activities respect the kids for who and what they are and who and what they can be.

I lost sight of the 4 F principles. I stressed myself out too much that it was no longer fun sometimes. I continuously remind myself that this stress is only temporary because the reward is always greater. That the Lord will provide. Which He did, because seeing these children experience the amazing joys that the KFC ministry provides was always something I was blessed to witness. But it wasn’t enough.

I forgot what it was like to interact with the children, to express my knowledge and faith to them and also the ability to express the freedom that KFC provided. I lost sight of being a kid at heart.

I was once just a member of KFC and I remembered seeing all my facilitators(my Ates and Kuyas) and having so much fun because they would spend time with me. Upon graduating KFC and joining CFC-Y then becoming a KFC leader, I experienced the joys of finally being with the kids, because of how amazing my experience in KFC was. Slowly I realized, that I no longer gave my time and service to the children but to the service itself.

Praise the Lord for this very affirming day at the JK/SK Camp. I couldn’t explain why but the realization of what exactly I’ve been missing was probably a factor as to why I couldn’t find myself of reaching full happiness and contentment. I had to remind myself that this point on, no matter how stressed or busy I can be, you are never too busy to serve The Lord – and being with the children is a huge portion of it.

Thank you, Lord!

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9