reflections: June 7, 2013

“what so ever you do to the least of my brothers that you did it to me”

last weekend for SHOUT.. we got an opportunity to go out and share some love with others through the act of kindness (RAK). woot woot!
but man.. I found it hard to do the activity because I felt like no one needed my kindness at that moment..

but I think because of this mindset I had.. it was harder for me reach out and see where kindness is required..
so Our Lord gave me a little slap po hehe

While I was waiting for my cup of Tim’s with ateh Ellen, I looked around searching and thinking of what I can do as a RAK
then right in front of me.. a man with a cane/walking stick was pulling a high-chair (kids chair) for a mom who was sitting in the table in front of me. She was trying to have her breakfast while holding her young daughter in her arms.
And from the looks of it, he did not know the woman nor did the woman know him. He just saw the woman’s need and went out of his way to help her despite his own challenges.
I wanted to go help him carry the chair but I was too late…

Like I said earlier, that moment was a slap or wake up call for me..
The Lord does not call us to love out of duty (“because we have to RAK”) but out of true love that goes beyond the need to fulfill our duty or self satisfactions but to fullfil His (hope that makes sense po)
His desire to be shared and experienced by everyone. To bring a unique joy that can only be experienced through and in Christ.

Lord, as we more forward with life.. always remind us that it is You that I’m bringing. Let us RAK with a mindset willing to love first 🙂

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