Reflection: Oct 4 (smile)

A smile goes a long way.

I remember in my MV essay one of the things I talked about was my early days in the community po..
how the youth who were already in YFC had a different smile that I was intimidated at first but found that it was what I wanted to learn to have po..
In growing in this community and these 23 years of life.. I am affirmed that that kind of smile is the Lord.
A smile of.. haaaaaaa po hehe
A smile of Kindness.. Love.. Trust
A smile that is Comforting .. Joyful.. Hopeful.. etc.
I don’t know po hehe it’s definitely something nice and good po hehe

There is this costumer who always comes in and buys the same thing almost everyday.
she use to come in really grumpy and angry po..
she would demand to have her food brought to her table and set up for her to eat.. because she was only able to use her one hand..
And it’s so disheartening that a lot of people hate dealing with her.
But I think this only made me determined to share some positivity with her po haha
Every time she comes.. man.. prayers up and always pray for the Lord’s smile hehe
and.. Praise God because as of recent, she would come and order with a smile on po 😀
She’s in a more brighter mood too po hehe

A smile goes a long way..
especially if it’s from the Lord.

Let us share that smile that can only be from the Lord.
Smile 🙂

Lord, teach me how to use body and physical language to proclaim and share You.

P.S. if I ever tease you about your smile.. I’m sorry po *bows* but I’m not making fun or anything po.. You have an awesome smile (that’s contagious uyyyyy jks). pG! so keep smiling po 🙂 hehe

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