
Well this year is certainly going by super fast. It’s almost March already.

It’s one of those Mondays where there is a lot on the mind, yet no certain reflection is formulated. So here’s to a live writing reflecting in action.

I think we can all agree that something that is very hard for us as missionaries (yes, if you have said to the Lord, you are certainly a missionary) is that it is all work and no glory, sometimes no gratification, no thank you, no specific acknowledgement for what you’ve done etc etc.

It’s those times where I feel it is just the Lord reminding us to persevere. It’s like doing something selflessly for someone you love or those that are really close to you. You would do anything for them. Make sure everything is taken care as much as you could without any sort of acknowledgement or credit for a matter of fact. 

The truth is…everyday we are acknowledged of the work at hand or the selflessness we put on for others. Yes, I know…its difficult especially for people like myself whose love language is to receive words of affirmation but I feel that perseverance is allowing us to grow in other virtues. That in itself is a gift from the Lord when we mission for others. 

Even if we don’t get the words we want to hear or physically feel like we are doing a good job or the many times we don’t feel loved after we everyday do what we can for others before ourselves etc etc etc…

God listens. God sees. God molds. 

I know…another simple reminder. For me this is an affirmation of a few things when it comes to being able to persevere

  1. Relationships with others are important. When you know the people you serve even if its for a’ll understand more of where they are at and ultimately how to persevere when times get difficult.
  2. God is planning for your eternal happiness.  Of course it would be a journey to get there and yes He would bring us on the road less travelled. Trust me, its never going to be easy but my goodness I promise it will be fulfilling.
  3. Don’t be discouraged. I often think about my prayer time and the daily blessings I receive. It helps especially when what you want or want to hear doesn’t come from those you love or serve. It’s a blessing to be able to simply cross paths again and converse with them after all.

Yeah, one take session…but I believe that there are many fruits in persevering through the times where we don’t feel worldly happiness. Ultimately, one is journeying our way closer to heaven. Even if the world was to remain completely silent, let’s remember that the love story of Jesus on the cross already speaks loudly of the love we receive everyday.