Patients and Time

Today I had a fruitful 1 on 1 with a brother. I was so excited because it was our first time having a 1 on 1 with each other. I really wanted to know this brother more since I knew this brother for a very long time, since I joined YFC. I found out it was his first 1 on 1 since his first camp. Which I was not surprise because I was in the same situation last year when I had my first “official” 1 on 1(I tried having 1 on 1s but I think I ended up just hangouts because I didn’t know better).

As I checked up on him I found out that this brother is struggling spiritually, so I tried my best to help this brother. As he explained the reason why it’s a struggle I realize that we had similar mind set before when I too was struggling. I saw myself in his shoes. So, I tried my best telling him how I spiritually grew in my faith because that’s the only thing I know. But in the back of my mind I know that it will be not the same journey as what I’ve experience. I know that each of us will have our own unique and special journey to know him personally. That’s why our relationship with God is so special because its personal. That’s why I struggled a bit to help this brother.

In the end, I just said I will journey with you. Because I can only do so much. I can’t really force him to have a relationship with God, I can only show him. He needs to seek and find it on his own. I can only do is be there for this brother, be accountable for this brother.

As I reflected at home I was baffled on how we are in different stages in our faith with about the same length of time growing. Why could just God help this brother since I had a similar experience? This brother deserves the relationship that I’m experiencing.

Then I reminded myself that He has a plan for this brother and for myself. Maybe this is his plan, He is using me as a vessel to help this brother. That’s why especially through these challenges this brother and myself need to be patients. God knows the perfect time for everything.

We just need to be patient with great fortitude and that time will come and God will provide in tenfold. And no matter what stage you are in your faith there is always some you can help and be accountable too and help in their faith.

Lord, I just ask for your patient and fortitude especially for this brother because we just want to fully embrace your unconditional love.


Gabby Pador