palm Sunday: the Lord’s passion

A number of time’s in Sunday’s Gospel have You reminded me of my shortcomings and how I have hurt You. How many times have I negotiated with sin in exchange of You? How many times have I made commitments to You and have broken them? How many times have I hurt you when I hurt others? How many times have I denied you? How many times have I been unfaithful with my prayer life and let temptation creep back to me? How many times have I chosen against what I ought to do? Like the apostles, the soldiers, Judas and Pilate, I have wronged and failed You many times.

At the same time You remind me of how much You love and want me entirely for Yourself.  Thank You for loving me so much even though I’m unworthy.  Abba Father, thank You for holding me with Your mercy and covering me with your grace. “Where sin increases, grace abounds all the more.”

Just as Mary and Mary Magdalene remained facing your tomb, allow me to do the same in prayer anticipating Your glorious resurrection.

Totus tuus