Our God Is Love

I often get headaches from reading while I commute to work, so to side-step this dilemma I have started listening to podcasts daily. The one I listen to most often speaks about the topics of science, philosophy and the human experience. Although not bound or based in the Catholic faith, I try to tie each story back to my Christian belief.

An interesting story I heard about was that of Stu Rasmussen. Stu Rasmussen, of Silverton Oregon, is an avid metalworker, woodworker, and electrician – and in 2008 he became the United States’ first transgendered mayor. In this case, although Stu is married to a woman, he dresses like a woman.

Silverton is a small town in the United States and one day a group went into Silverton and began marching up and down the streets to protest and show how offensive they found Stu. “The mayor is disgusting.” And they were holding signs that said, “God hates Silverton,” “God hates your mayor,” etc.

Shortly after this protest began, folks from the town stood in counter-protest wearing clothing of the opposite sex. The group initially started with 3 men in dresses, and then eventually the crowd grew to 200. The people interviewed voiced that there were many unexpected faces that joined in; unexpected due to their conservative views. They stood there holding signs saying, “God loves Silverton,” and, “God loves Stu.”

It’s amazing how many townspeople were willing to drop their own personal beliefs of how a man/woman “should be” just for that momentary instance of defending the right of someone they love and respect.

There are several issues of today that we as Catholics need to defend and take a personal stand for… however, in this driving attempt, we must never forget our first and most important calling: To Love. God is love, and if we carry Him in our hearts, we too must emanate love to others. Rather than fighting back with anger or hate, the townspeople of Silverton showed that all are loved within the eyes of Our Father. In our attempts to “be and bring God wherever we are” may we judge less so we are able to love more.

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1John 4:8

Letting Go

When serving God, it’s not about the position or authority but it’s about simply serving God.  Sometimes it’s not healthy to hold on to a responsibility to a point that it’s your comfort zone.  Being the Family Ministries Head for Calgary for 7 years now has led me to that comfort zone.  Now the time has come for me to pass on the responsibility and explore new horizons in service.

One of my inspirations in this is my former leader, Tito Rosco Doromal.  He was my Area Head when I was Family Ministries Head but last year, I became his household head.  It was such a difficult thing for me to adjust to; he was the team leader when we took our Christian Life Program back in 1999.  He was one of my first household leaders; I’ve always served under him.  But rather than trying to prove that he knew more about the community than me, he honored my anointing as his leader, allowing me to lead our household but more so giving the support I needed.  That’s humility in the mold of Christ, who, though God humbled Himself, taking the form of a lowly servant.

One day, I will be serving under the very youth that we have served or are serving, that’s the most exciting thing I look forward to.  What an amazing community, CFC will be.

Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Moving Forward

I thank God for the opportunity to move forward with Christ alongside these brothers and sisters.  I am affirmed of the anointing that this ministry has but also the anointing of these brothers and sisters as God’s musicians! Praise God for Emanuel Aquino, Keana Barrios, Jason Diala, Peter Byun, Nathan Guevara, Jeff Dejos, Rudolf Cagalawan and my awesome counterpart, Ellish Talacca!

I had the opportunity to reflect on the Psalm of the day to prepare my heart for NALS. Each day, I felt like God was taking my hand and leading me to discover the depths of His love for me. This wasn’t defined by how long my reflections were or how intricate they were. Instead, my reflections became more simple and filled with truth, that is, God is love and we were created to experience His love.

God’s love is simple, wholesome and everlasting. When we acknowledge God in our journey, it is easier to see His hand in our every day life. If we can do that, then everyday is an opportunity for us to move forward in our relationship with Him. His Love becomes more personal and more real.

Thank you to the Music Min of NALS for allowing me to experience a fraction of God’s deep love for me. The Daily Reflections we did affirmed His love for me and opened my heart to receiving more of Him!

Your Spirit is Strong

NALS was a clear affirmation to me that the Holy Spirit is truly strong and moving in our community. I have never been so assured that we are headed in the right direction. We are truly blessed to be here! It’s a GOOD time to be CFC-Youth because the Lord has a superabundance of blessings coming our way.

Together as one we’ll go!

I hope to see everyone again even more on fire for the Lord and His mission in 5 years.


Road Less Travelled

Everything that has been going on…I honestly would have never expected to happen or could even imagine that I myself would be in these situations. Trust me, its a good thing. God is working, the Spirit is moving.

Lord, whatever it is you want, I will obey.




The Greatest Providence

“Have confidence in the Providence that so far has never failed us. The way is not yet clear. Grope along slowly; be patient, be trustful.”
– St. Theodora Guérin

One of my greatest realizations lately is to never underestimate trust in the Lord. There are quite a few things that have been on my mind – deliberations being one of many. However, I know that so long as I live here on earth, I will be human. And as a human being, I will always be full of thoughts and wonder about many many things. What is important is that I do not dwell on them.

I will never know, 100%, God’s plan for me, but what I do know is that there is a plan, and my perfect Father created that for me. When I looked back in my life, there were many things I had wished had happened at all. But if I continued to dwell on that, I would have stopped myself from taking the next steps forward. The more I grow with God, the greater His perfect plan for me becomes.

Although I don’t know what lies ahead, I know that God has a purpose, a will, and a perfect plan for me. I also know that what I have gone through from the day I was born up until now was meant to lead me through that plan… Whether I know what lies ahead or not, I will not dwell on trying to figure it out. God has planned my life, and I will TRUST that He will continue to provide and continue to build my desires with me, the way He always has. I will trust in God in me.

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!” it is the Spirit himself bearing witness to our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with him.”
– Romans 8: 14-17

Come, Holy Spirit…

I Will > I Want

One of the realizations that I had after our retreat is the importance of the “will” than the “want”

  • Will entails a decision while want is just a consideration
  • Will is willing to sacrifice while want can be foregone
  • Will gets to the destination while want can be dreaming of the vacation
  • Will fuels the spirit while want can be not refueled
  • Will never give up while want can be given away
  • Will doesn’t get tired while want seeks the easy way
  • Will does everything to make it happen while want does only few things to make it happen
  • Will understands the heart and spirit behind while want doesn’t
  • Will sinks into the very core of the heart while want stays to the lens of the eyes.
  • Will honours higher authority, wants honours self
  • Will is when we want to live with while want is we can live without.



“Lord you are God of infinite chances, You are considerate and kind. You know the state of my heart right now. You know my past and my future. You are there ahead of me. Lord God teach me to desire what you will more than what I want. May I learn from your son the humility and trust to be able to say, “Not my will but your will be done.” Amen”



Philippians 1:29