Life After Dying in the Desert


When I think of a desert, I think of a barren place full of sand with extremely hot temperatures. It’s a dry place that is almost humanely inhabitable because of the lack of basic necessities like water and food. I think of hunger and thirst, and I see dry bones of animal carcasses. How fitting is it that Jesus and many other missionaries had to experience 40 days in a desert before commencing with their ministry. Dying in the desert is necessary so that we can quite profoundly and literally die to ourselves so that we can truly focus on the Lord and others. This is what ministry is about.

However, Jesus was perfect so He had no imperfections to die to. Just like Baptism, He had to do it  for the sake of our sanctification. Now we can rest assured that when we go through our desert, it has been sanctified by Christ and there is redeeming value in it for us. Because of Jesus, the suffering we experience in the desert is now redemptive.

The beauty of lent that we just experienced was truly in our prayer, fasting, and alms-giving because each required us to sacrifice something in our lives. Prayer is a sacrifice of time, fasting, a sacrifice of carnal pleasure, and alms-giving, a sacrifice of our treasure. We truly experienced a desert during lent because we were called to sacrifice everything and be left in a barren place lacking many things we thought we needed. Praise God for this because it led us to realize that God is all we need, that He is the only one that can quench our thirst and satisfy our hunger.

Easter is experiencing resurrection with Jesus after dying. Have you ever been so famished and then finally ate or drank? When it comes to Easter, we are not happy because we no longer have to sacrifice like we did during lent, but because we now appreciate our relationship with God more, having died to ourselves in one way or another. We now appreciate even more how the Lord gives us food to eat and water to drink. We are able to see with more clarity, the lush oasis of God’s love in our lives. The Lord used the sacrifices of lent as an opportunity to mold our hearts from stone to flesh. A heart of flesh is a living heart, one that is truly alive and life-giving, like a fountain of water springing forth from dry lands. Dying to ourselves has increased our capacity to love and has helped us to be more sensitive to the everlasting life of Jesus within us.

Now that Lent is over and as we enter Eastertide, let not our prayers, fasting, and alms-giving stop because the Lord is not done with us yet. He continues to mold us to be more like Him but we must allow Him. We allow Him by continually giving ourselves to Him in the morning and the night, in the garden and in the desert. Let us continue on this journey together, denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Him every day. As we journey, we can rest assured that He is with us.

After resurrecting and when Jesus first appeared to the apostles He said to them “peace be with you.” Amen and amen, Peace is with us when Jesus is with us. The apostles lived with this faith, knowing that Jesus was always with them in their ministry. They lived this faith even unto death, knowing that death would only bring them closer to Him. We may not be called to physically die for our faith, but we are called to die to ourselves. Let’s not be afraid to do this because even in the face of death, Jesus is with us and that’s where we can find rest in the peace that only He can give.

Christ has resurrected and promised that He’ll always be with us.

So peace be with you! Even in the desert, peace be with you.

True Dat! True Dat! True Dat Dat Dat!

I have this book called “Understand Rap”.  It’s a useless book really but the entertainment value is AWESOME! It basically quotes rap lyrics and translates it to normal everyday english. Here’s an example from the famous song “Juicy” performed by the late rapper “Notorious B.I.G” : “I had the red and black lumberjack with the hat to match.” So, to translate that rap quote to regular english would be : “My wardrobe previously consisted of a dual-coloured wool coat  and cap in a plaid pattern, which was a fashionable style popularized by men who cut down trees and, now that I have shifted my attention to more expensive things, it is pleasing to me as I reminisce about my past and how my tastes have changed to match current fashion trends.”

I myself am a lover of hip hop music (mainly 90’s cause i’m old school), and I’ll be the first to admit that some of the stuff they “rap” about I don’t really understand or believe, but it sounds good! It kind of makes me think about the things Jesus said to His disciples or to other people He encountered. Jesus, like many rappers, likes to use metaphors to get His point across, and I’m sure some of the people were scratching their heads trying to understand or even believe what He said. But maybe He likes making us think, so that we can really understand and ponder on His words.  What if someone made a book called “Understanding  Jesus Quotes”. Breaking down some of His famous quotes and translating it to everyday english:

“Ask and it will be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened for you.” Translation:  God is ready to bless you. Ask.

“The first will be last and the last will be first.” Translation:  It is better to serve, than to be served.

“Take up your cross and follow Me” Translation: It’s not an easy road, but it’s worth it. 

“I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.” Translation: Follow My example and believe in me. That is the only way you’ll get to Heaven. 

Jesus had the best quotes.  I know sometimes it takes awhile to really understand, but when we do, it was like having a “light bulb” moment or a “Ooooohhhhhh” moment! Like when you see someone do a crazy dance move or when someone says something super clever during a poetry slam competition. I bet you the crowds had those moments  when Jesus corrected the High Priest’s and the hypocrites. And it’s not like He was trying to embarrass them, He was just speaking the Truth! 

We don’t need to translate what Jesus says to us in order for us to “get it”. We just need to believe! Why?  Because He said it and He only speaks the truth.

Like how our Risen Lord conquered death so that we can have a brand new spiritual life every Easter, that would make anyone scratch their heads in confusion and disbelief. But because I believe in Him and in what He says, it’s easy for me to “get it”. Our faith makes anything understandable.

So every Easter Sunday, when the gospel re-tells the story of an empty tomb, I have that “OOOOHHHHHHHHH” moment because Christ is risen, indeed He has Risen!

Jesus, You the Truth foreal!


The Game Changer

If Jesus lived and died – only. Then he would just have been a man whose teachings were profound and worth emulating. He would have been like Nelson Mandela, MLK Jr, Jose Rizal and the like.

Yet if Jesus lived, died and resurrected; then the game is forever changed. His teachings are not only profound but transcendent. His teachings are not just theoretical with practical implications, but His teachings becomes the law with practical and eternal effects.

What is this law if not love? For He is love. (1Jn4:8) He shows us that love isn’t just something to die for, but from it – springs eternal life.

Today, we celebrate a love that sin could not keep down, a love that darkness cannot overcome, and a love that death cannot contain. Today, we celebrate that God-Man that is risen.

He is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

O certe necessárium Adæ peccátum, quod Christi morte delétum est!
O felix culpa, quæ talem ac tantum méruit habére Redemptórem!

O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the Death of Christ! O happy fault that earned for us so great, so glorious a Redeemer!

Heart of Worship


It’s been almost five months. Five months of being “out of service”, having passed on my role, that feeling of being spiritually dry, and at some point felt isolated in the faith. I did my due diligence of prayer, mass, confession, adoration and such, but despite those things, something still felt missing.

And I think that something was worship. I thought to myself, that worship was my most powerful prayer (still is). It was something I embraced for the longest time serving in this ministry, and for some reason I felt that I had a hole inside my heart when I lost it.

During that time, I felt that God purposely made me isolated from everyone. That he intentionally wanted me to be alone, to be idle, to be silent, so that there wouldn’t be any distraction but Him alone.

In the silence of the heart, You speak

Truly I felt that he spoke to me, He wanted me to obedient, tested my patience and faith, and dried me out, so that He can fill me up again.

I applied for the Mission Volunteer program as my response to being obedient. To be honest, I didn’t exactly know what I wanted out of it, what my expectations are, what fruits am I gaining out of it. But then I realized, It was always His plans, His expectations, and His fruits that he wanted to share with me.

Months came by and I was getting anxious and weary, waiting for that moment where I get to find out if I did make the program, and the area of which I am to serve. But I kept my faith through it all, I lifted my fears, my worries, and my impatience to Him. Because I know that He will never disappoint.

In the same time, I also decided to go to this year’s ICON in Palawan. It was a bit of an accident actually. It started as a conversation I had with some YFC people, to booking off the dates, to them being approved, and the next thing you know, I already have a ticket! All in the span of four days! That affirmed me that for whatever reason, I was meant to be part of this year’s pilgrimage.

The day finally came! Where we were en route to flying to the Philippines. I’ve never been so excited again to relive the memories I had of last year’s conference. And even more excited as I get to journey with the new brothers and sisters I serve with.

Coming into ICON I was given the opportunity to be part of the Documentation Team! That felt surreal! I’ve always wanted to serve for the conference in the past, even in small ways, and now that I have the chance to do so, I made sure I went all out!

Within the pre ICON activities, that’s when they brought the good news! I finally found out my mission area! Praise God! Another answered prayer! It was a mixture of different kinds of happiness! I felt at peace, felt loved by the Lord, and felt affirmed of my obedience.

As days go by, my excitement builds up as I first step foot on the ICON venue, and saw the stage for the first time. Saw the crowd, with lights everywhere, the people going back and forth filling up the stadium slowly, briefly looking at Mama Mary and the Crucifix in awe. And in the midst of everything, I knew one thing for sure, that I was ready to worship and empty myself again.

The Lord is Good to Me

I was overwhelmed by the Love that he gave me. That He was with me through it all, from the time that I was broken and hidden, to the time where I was whole and revealed again to give him Glory!

And my soul will find refuge


In the shadow of Your wings

I will love You forever

And forever I’ll sing

  • Hillsong, Glorius Ruins

And with that, I cannot wait to share with you all, the moments I was able to capture.

worship (1)

Happy Easter everyone!

God Bless



The last week has been such a test of my trust in the Lord. Being tested every single moment of my day. Trusting in the Lord on the trails he has placed in front of me. Testing my endurance of my heart and my personality. I had my moments where I just wanted  to give up and questioned why God has placed me where I am at the moment.

Let’s say he has sent me people to really affirm to about who I am and why I am here at the very moment and they told me in some way or form. That I shouldn’t change who I am but become a more perfect version of myself aka Ambrose 2.0!

Trusting in the Lord is the one thing he wants from us. Everything that he gives us is for a reason even know it may feel like it isn’t. And that he is showing us something even more greater than what we can see. There is always a great plan that he has for us and the world.

“Lord, help us fully trust in your will that it may help us to become more perfect versions of ourselves. We ask this in Christ our Lord, Amen.”


Second chances

It’s truly amazing how God works in his perfect timing. Not only that but His love and mercy is so overwhelming that a lot of the times I feel unworthy of His blessings.

Recently, I’ve been brought to a situation that sounds all too familiar, so let’s start with what happened before.

It was year 2008 and I was a Household head for the North Chapter here in the Big Sky Region, Winnipeg. I was growing very quickly in my service, and I kept wanting to do more. As a household head, I had a strong passion serving for my chapter. I can even remember spending well over $100 in preparation for a Regional Youth Conference. (yikes!)

I was well invested into the chapter, so it came pretty hard on me when I found out that not only was my chapter heads moving on from their service, but I myself was moved into a different program. In a moment of selfishness, I made it more about the service of my God rather than the God of my service. For a good while I was a bit bitter of the circumstances but I knew that regardless of the situation, I still wanted to serve.

After about 2 years of growing spiritually and in my maturity, I was given an opportunity of a lifetime. The exact thing that I was hoping for, a second chance. I was asked to serve as the North Chapter head. At that point in my life I had already accepted where I was asked to serve, and I knew that regardless of what role I held, all I wanted to do is to let others feel the same blessings that I have. I had even tried to compose myself by not giving an immediate yes to the service, when in my heart I already knew this was something I really wanted.

So what happened with the second chance that was given to me?

Well, long story short… I kinda messed up.

I had good intentions, and a strong passion to serve. I thought everything was perfect, that everything completely fell into place, and in the right timing. It might have been the case, but with that I let my guard down. They say that the closer you get to God, the more the devil will attack you. I didn’t prepare myself, and worse, I tried to handle it on my own.

The evil one had exploited my weakness and vulnerability. What resulted was seeing myself in one of the lowest points in my life, and lots of broken relationships. I had lost focus for one instance, and I had let the evil one grab hold and infect my life. I began to hate myself and the actions I took.

On the road to recovery from the situation, I was then moved into a different service, Youth Communications(YCOM). It has been a fruitful (almost)3 year term that has continued to help me grow spiritually and in my maturity. With the help of the community, and my lovely counterpart Jennifer Garcia, I can honestly say that I have moved on from my past situation and I have offered it all up to the Lord.

Which brings it back to the present time.

I have been given another second chance. This time I’ve been asked to be the Area Head here in Winnipeg. I can even remember a time once where I felt it was something I’d like to do. To serve the community that has given me so much. But much like when I wanted to serve the North chapter in 2008, it was not in God’s timing.

With this opportunity came the obvious fear. “What if I mess up again?” “What if I make the same mistakes.” I kept thinking to myself, “Lord, why do You keep giving me blessings upon blessings when I continue to fail you?” “Why are You giving me another second chance?”

Reflecting upon this season of lent, I know that I am a sinful person. I know that I don’t deserve His mercy, His grace, or His love, but He gives it anyway. I know that no matter how many mistakes I make, or how many times I fail Him, He will continue to carry that cross and die for me. He has a plan for me greater than I can ever imagine.

I know that I’ve made mistakes, and I will probably make some in the future, but each of those mistakes have helped me to learn, to grow, and to get myself to where I need to be. The Lord has walked with me every step of the way, and He will continue walking with me in this journey. Regardless of the path behind me, and how overwhelming the path in front of me is, I’m excited to lose myself more and more in Him!

After much discernment, I have said YES to this upcoming service. I don’t know what’s in store for me, or what the future may hold, but I am ready and willing to keep walking down this path with the Lord!

Lord, I praise you and thank you for the second chances that you have given us.I pray that through the experiences we’ve encountered, good or bad, we will learn to see You through it all. Please use me Lord as your instrument to keep serving my brothers and sisters in You. Help me to deny myself, and with Your example, embrace the cross that I bear and to follow You. Amen.