postgrad x mv

peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God

this week, I started my post grad program in social work. it’s a fast track program meaning instead of a two year program, I would be able to complete it in a year’s time. I almost regretted my decision when I realized that they would compress a whole semester to 5 weeks because I mean,

  • the pace of the lessons and the lectures would be fast. really really fast. super fast.
  • there would be a quiz / test / assignment due every day of the week
  • the readings would be aplenty and abundant. as in 3 – 5 chapters for each meeting
  • it’s just really scary to think of the amount of work. how does 4 months become 5 weeks? how? just how?! is this even possible?
  • I am not a morning person and all my classes start at 9am
  • bloor and yonge station is chaotic in the morning
  • how am I supposed to balance school with  family time, time with friends who are on summer vacation right now, service, plus MV tasks?

because I was panicking last tuesday, I called a friend who’s in the process of getting his PhD. I knew he would be able to calm me down since he’s experienced all those things minus service and MV assignments; and true enough, he told me that while the experience would make me want to cry and tear my hair out at times, I should never forget why I applied to the program. he even sent me a link to a song by Kim Boyce called Not Too Far From Here and it was just what I needed to hear that night since it pretty much illustrates why I want to be a social worker in the first place. as an added bonus, I realized that the song also intersects with being an MV (YAY, affirmed!)

Somebody’s down to their last dime
Somebody’s running out of time
Not too far from here
Somebody’s got nowhere else to go
Somebody needs a little hope
Not too far from here

And I may not know their name
But I’m praying just the same
That You’ll use me, Lord
To wipe away the tears
‘Cause somebody’s crying
Not too far from here

Somebody’s troubled and confused
Somebody’s got nothing left to lose
Not too far from here
Somebody’s forgotten how to trust
And somebody’s dying for love
Not too far from here

It may be a stranger’s face
But I’m praying for Your grace
To move in me
And take away the fear
‘Cause somebody’s hurting
Not too far from here

Help me, Lord, not to turn away from pain
Help me not to rest, while those around me weep
Give me Your strength and compassion
When somebody finds the road of life too steep

Now I’m letting down my guard
And I’m opening my heart
Help me speak Your love
To every needful ear
Someone is waiting
Not too far from here

I don’t know if it’s because I’m doing something I’m passionate about, the realization that I’m one step closer to the career I’d like to pursuit in the future, or because I would be able to apply some skills towards being a better household head / better MV but… Praise God because despite all the anxiety that comes with those bullet points, I’m still able to feel peace.

The Masterpiece

The Masterpiece

They say you’re in tune, when you’re in the same frequency

I found that He was consistent even with my inconsistency

To find the Lord speaking my own language was mind blowing

Reinforcing the fact that He truly is All Powerful and All Knowing


So as I take in the fact that yes He is Almighty

I am more so loved completely and overwhelmingly

That the Breather of Stars and Galaxies

Took notice of me, even with all my iniquities


And in His grandeur

I am the only one He sees

The universe is His overture

And I am His masterpiece


So brethren, take heart of the promise, that we are His beloved

At the end of the day, unconditional is implemented

As He loved us first, we are called to love others

To bring others into the fold as sisters and brothers


And in His grandeur

We are the only one He sees

The universe is His overture

And we are His masterpiece

Humble, humble Jesus

During my transit ride this morning, Humble by Audrey Assad came on. And I could not help but be drawn to this part of the song,

Humble in sorrow, You gladly carried Your cross
Never refusing Your life to the weakest of us
Not too proud to bear our sin
To feel this brokenness we’re in
Humble, humble Jesus

Various thoughts, experiences and conversations had suddenly come to mind. The thoughts of pain, suffering and being hurt specifically came to mind.

I had a conversation with a couple of sisters some days ago and we talked about how good and loving the Lord was and is in everything.  We were sharing about our experiences and feelings towards various things. And eventually, we started talking about the matters of the heart. In some parts of our sharing, I was left with a question that my heart could not fully understand.

Where is the Lord when we’re hurting?

Earlier this evening, while going through my book case looking for something to read, I stumbled upon a book I received a while back. Very ironic if I do say so myself. It was a book titled, Where is God when it hurts? by Philip Yancey. Sad to say that I have not read the book fully. So it is definitely in my reading list for the summer. Maybe If I had finished the book, I could have understood the question that lingered in my thoughts? Most probably. Maybe? Lol!

As I skimmed through the book, this caught my attention,
“Think too of all who suffer as if you shared their pain.” – Hebrews 13:3 (NIV)

I kept wondering why the Lord had kept revealing to me words of suffering and pain. In this one most specifically, in sharing of others pain.

Then thoughts of past experiences of being in heart breaking situations came to mind again. I kept wondering, and kept asking myself why He had wanted me to remember all the pain that I had been wanting to forget. And still, I could not understand why. As I was pondering more on the song, this part stood out.

Not too proud to dwell with us, to live in us, to die for us.

The conversation that I had with the sisters came to mind again. I remembered someone had said that when we are hurt and feel so much pain, Jesus is hurt and feels the pain as well. When we cry, He cries. The pain we feel is the exact same pain that Jesus feels. If not, even more.

The Lord is all powerful, all knowing and almighty. So why would He allow Himself to experience our hurt and our struggles? Why would He, Himself, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Alpha and the Omega lower Himself to our level?

As the song kept playing, I kept remembering all of the times that I had been hurting. But I had also remembered being joyful, laughing and smiling afterwards. You see, It was not the pain that He had been wanting me to remember, but rather, what I had experienced after because of Him.

He had wanted me to see beyond all of the pain that was buried deep in my heart. During those times in where I had been feeling these certain ways, I remember always turning to the Lord for comfort. I felt like a little child sitting on the Fathers lap. Carrying me as if He were holding a delicate flower. With ears focused on my voice, and eyes full of love. He was there, waiting for me to speak to Him. Even when I became angry and frustrated at Him for allowing me to experience the hurt, He was still there. And even though He already knew what was in my heart, He was more than willing to listen, but more so, He was waiting for me to find my comfort in Him.

No doubt, the Lord knew that I needed Him the most. And He did every possible way to break me so that I would always continue running to Him. The Lord had wanted me to know that, in my struggling times, He was the One I was to run to and no one else. He was sharing in my pain because He did not want me to go through it alone. He carried me while carrying my cross. My cross was His cross.

“Sometimes, the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.”
– Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

The Lord is all powerful, all knowing, and almighty. He does not need to hurt but, He does because He loves us. He is not proud. And He most certainly does not boast in His power. He lowers himself to be with us because He loves us.

Simple as that. Because He loves us.

“We love because He first loved us.”
– 1 John 4:19

The Sacred Truth

I’ve been nursing an early onset of chills and sore throat and I realize that when I don’t physically feel well, everything else suffers – most especially my spiritual and emotional state. So I decided to take a shower in hopes of getting my spirits up. Most of the time I have the deepest life thoughts when I take a shower but today I just needed a reason to get out of bed.

Sacred Truth_image

I’ve always tried to understand the thought that God speaks to us in such a personal way. And today I think He was speaking to me through one of my favourite Lush face masks, haha. The Sacred Truth: “Keep your skin in beautiful condition with anti-oxidant wheatgrass, green tea and enzymatic papaya.” This stuff smells so good, and the ingredients are fresh and handmade and feels amazing on your skin. If a pot of this face mask already made my face/overall self feel good momentarily, what more will it do to my soul if I lived in “Sacred Truth” everyday?

Some thoughts that crossed my mind:

  • The Truth is Sacred because it is connotative to something elusive; difficult to achieve & difficult to maintain because the Truth demands so much honesty and integrity in our daily lives.
  • Living in truth doesn’t necessarily mean living so uptight and rigid. That usually doesn’t draw anyone closer to want to live an honest and truthful lifestyle. So much joy can be found in being truthful, which will naturally lead to the purest joy found in authentic freedom.
  • I saw this quote on The Daily Love: “The short-term pain of facing a truth far outweighs the long-term pain of believing in a lie.”
  • Expecting others to live in honesty and truth has to start within ourselves. We have to bring and live up to the truth that we have experienced and realized in our lives, so we can encourage others to do the same.
  • Living in truth is a journey. We all make mistakes and we all deal with some degree of fear that we tend to mask our insecurities, worries and doubt in different parts of our lives. It’s okay to have days like this. The important thing is that we realize when we’re being bombarded by negative thoughts and re-focus on the Truth, on God’s love and His promises for us.

In what part of our lives can we strive to be more truthful?

St. Joseph and St. Gianna Molla, pray for us! 🙂



Dear Metro,

                 Let me start by saying that never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be part of you. I have always considered myself, through and through, a small town girl from Canadienne Region. My kids, my home and my family are all in Ottawa… However, as God would have it, I was asked to serve in this year’s RYC Word, not as a member of Canadienne, but as a member of Metro. I was asked to head Promotion and Documentation (along with Arnel), which in truth, sort of terrified me. I was asked to create the event for RYC on Facebook and to start posting and promoting it and I knew what members were going to think… “Who’s this girl and why is she telling us to go to RYC?”


                I was pushed out of my comfort zone, and hesitant as I was, I dove in… and there He was, waiting to catch me. If you caught glimpses of me at all during RYC, you probably saw me wielding a camera (which I don’t fully know how to use… what’s good auto-mode!), juggling two cellphones (hi twitter and Instagram) and balancing a notebook and pen trying to jot notes as I listened intently. Busy as I was, God made it so that I was able to immerse myself fully in, both His Word, and this region.

                What can I say? As a veteran/dinosaur, I have had my fair share of RYCs, but Metro, did you ever surprise me. For one full day, we were not separated by delegation colours, but we were a sea of white (well, I was wearing black, but figuratively speaking). It was beautiful to see you, as one family. It was beautiful to see you cheering for each other, greeting each other, and kneeling and praying with each other. It was beautiful to see you with your hands high and your hearts soaring. I stood by the back wall during the final praisefest, and I watched you all, and I felt an overwhelming amount of love flow from you, and I extended my hands in prayer for this beautiful region… and as I did so, I whispered a quiet “thank You” to my Father who sent me here. Thank You, and thank you, for allowing me to witness the greatness within the GTA, Hamilton-St. Catharine and Windsor Areas.

 The heartbeat of Metro Region is strong, and I am so blessed to be taking part in your(/our) story.

God is great.

With love, from your sister in Christ,


I love mazes! I love solving those maze puzzles in magazines. I was one of the biggest fans of maze computer game. “A Maze in Corn” is one of my favorite fall adventures in Winnipeg. I love the thrill of being trapped. I love the fun of trying different routes to find my way out. And I love the excitement of knowing I’m almost there!

Of course I have no idea who invented mazes. I don’t know the people who designed those mazes I worked on. But I trust them so much – that each maze has a route leading finish line. I am determined to try things, to think more, to take challenges… because I know there’s a way out. There should be.

I don’t know how many mazes I’ve solved since I was a child. Same thing as I can’t count how many challenges I’ve faced in my personal life… definitely more than those mazes. But I treat them the same way.

Like those maze adventures, sometimes we feel being trapped in difficult situations. It could be a storm in a relationship, a challenge in career, a spiritual battle, some financial difficulties… and perhaps we’re thinking there’s no way out. We thought we’ve tried different route but always hitting dead ends. Friends, just keep trying. There should be another route. There should be a way out. If we can trust those people who designed those mazes, would it not be unfair if we don’t trust our God who promised to walk with us till the end of the race? Never get tired. Seek the thrill of hitting those humps and dead ends, and the fun trying different routes when one did not work out. Feel the excitement of hearing God’s voice saying “We’re almost there!”

God did not promise us an easy life. His promise is that He will never leave us. Finish the race, and have a fun-filled adventure!


I was at service meeting recently and I came to a realization.

The TNC (True North Conference) happening this year isn’t an ETNC (Eastern True North Conference)! It’s a Legit TNC where youth from all over Canada will be participating in!

I know you are probably wondering why I’m getting worked up about this, well it’s because it totally slipped my mind until now.

I got really excited when I realized this and then I came to a deeper realization summed up by two questions.

“Since when did I stop being excited for the Lord?”

“Why have I not been this excited for such a long time?”

I can vividly remember my earlier years in CFC- Youth where every little thing excited me. I was excited to attend meetings, to have fellowship, to have general assemblies, to be present at mass, and to pray. Everything was so exciting and inspiring at the beginning of my journey and every part of me wanted to serve the Lord.

In time this excitement faded and I think it’s because I have been given more and more responsibilities, duties, and expectations. The excitement became work and the work became routine and almost mechanical in all its structure and intricacies. However, the final realization I had in this series is that there is nothing…. and I mean NOTHING more exciting than the Lord. I am not excited for the TNC per se, I am excited to meet the Lord there through all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am excited to Celebrate God’s faithfulness and graciousness to the community for the past twenty years.

The Lord has shown to me the beauty of living for Him through community and its mission, through loving and serving Christ in the people within this community and beyond, and most importantly through allowing me to make him the center of both my spiritual and physical life in actively partaking in the sacraments.

This upcoming TNC is a testament of God’s Love for everyone in this community including myself. So let’s all be EXCITED for what the Lord has in store for us in this True North Conference as He affirms us and reminds us of the beauty of a life spent for Him.