Planning anxiety!

Yesterday we had our first official Kids Village planning for our KFC Conference (Kids Village) for GTA & Hamilton. To finally see the progress start and put to work was a little overwhelming. Being this Kids Village my first time ever leading and coordinating it.. I didn’t take in until that very moment on how much work we have to do in order to make this conference a successful one.

But then I was reminded, I was blessed with such an amazing team. A very hardworking, supportive and loving core. From the CFCYs to the CCs in our service team, I truly believe The Lord put every single one of us together because He knows our love for KFC as one will outshine the work we’re about to tackle the next three months. I was also reminded by our Area CC Tito Mel on how all of this wouldn’t even be possible without our God. We could be doing so many other things but we’re here devoting our time because we love Him so much, enough to serve these children in Kids for Christ.

I simply cannot waaaait for the next few months and the actual Kids Village! All our hard work, strength and passion (tears and blood.. kidding) will be poured into this Kids Village because we’re bringing back many things we haven’t done in a couple years.

Lord, I can’t thank you enough for granting me this opportunity to be able to serve Kids for Christ. For moulding my heart to be so calm, patient and so passionate towards children only so we can continue to help mould them to be Christ-like leaders of tomorrow. Please continue to guide us as we continue to plan and implement our ideas for this upcoming Beloved Kids Village! All for You, Lord! I surrender my plans before You. See if there is any corrupt way within me. And lead me in the everlasting way. For Your Kingdom and Glory. Amen.

I Am, Who Am

I am, who am. This phrase has quite an expanded definition depending on how you interpret it. Father George’s Homily on Saturday morning mass during RYC defined it as “It is I, and I am present”.

The word present stood out for me after I heard that, and it became so evident for me that I should be more appreciative of my blessings in the current time.

Like that famous quote from Kung Fu Panda
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, and that is why it’s called the present.” – Master Shifu

The Lord truly reminded me to appreciate the present through His presence.

Being in the midst of our RYC this past weekend. I’m truly affirmed of His existence just by seeing my brothers and sisters share their time, talent, and treasure. From Creative Competitions, to Sports, and the excitement and energy of the Awake Fair, I could honestly say that it was a celebration with the Lord being with us throughout the whole event.

Reflecting on this year’s RYC anchor verse (Matthew 7:7-14) “Ask, Seek, Knock”, I learned that the Lord wanted me to come, approach, and be united with Him. And when that happens, we are all able to do His wonders!

When two or more are gathered in Your Name, You are truly present
In Christ

Blessed To Be Broken

Sometimes I wonder was it ever necessary for me to experience all my sins – and all the aches it has caused. Today was one of those days.

I look at my life, and I began to imagine – what if I made all the right decisions in life? Wouldn’t life be much better now? Without the all the pain, guilt, and scars?

I guess the biggest thing would be the pain I’ve caused other people, directly and indirectly. They would have been much better off sans the pain I’ve caused them.

Today was the same day God answered those questions. He put me to focus on these words at mass.

While they were at supper He took the bread, and gave you thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said, take this all of you and eat it: this is my Body which will be given up for you.

I’ve always wondered why there was a need for the priest to have a big host when he would just end up breaking it and just consume a small part of it. He could have used the normal host, the ones the congregation usually receives. It’s much more practical and efficient that way.


Now, it makes much more sense, a bread that is too big for one to consume that it must be broken, so that others may also be blessed to partake in it. This is how God intended the Eucharist. The breaking of Himself so that others may live. This is how God gave himself through the cross, so that we may have life everlasting.

But how about me, I am not God. Whenever I am broken, I am just divided into more insignificant pieces. Yet this is where God comes in. He uses our brokenness and fills it up with His wholeness. This is the economy of God. Where one’s insignificance brings about an infinite value to those who gets to know our witness.

Through God, our test becomes our testimony. Our mess, becomes a message. Our trials to triumph. And above all, victims of sin into victors over sin.

Want more proof? Look at today’s first reading, that is the same Saul who would later be named Paul. One of the greatest Apostles of Christ was once its greatest persecutor.

St. Paul, pray for us that we may accept the mercy of God that is unwavering, encompassing, and overflowing. Amen.

Dream Big

To have eyes of faith is to never lose the ability to imagine what God can do. No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human mind conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him– 1 Corinthians 2: 9


On my way to the Romblon Province via ship, my service head and FTPW for Batangas province pointed to a series of small silos along the coastline. He said: “Those are where you can find the biggest anchovies.” I was puzzled, but I accepted the statement regardless. I only understood that he was joking around with me as he pointed to a another set of wider silos and said: “Those are big Spam containers.” He smiled, and shared the briefest but invaluable realization that stuck with me until this morning, at the beach before worship.

For the first time in a long time, standing and beholding the greatness of the sea in front of me, I allowed my imagination to roam free. I imagined what was over of the other side of the sea… Another Philippine Island I have never heard of. The final scene of LOTR. Heaven. In the end, I came to a peaceful resignation that much like the end of the sea, that I will not ever see the fullness of God’s greatness. But when I do get to see even a part it (e.g. In creation) boy… Was it ever a beautiful moment specially fashioned for me.

“The youth are slowly losing their ability to use their imaginations”, said CB. And consequently, the ability to dream big and become visionaries for their stake (be it a household, a chapter, sector, country) in the mission. In my own reflections, how often have I myself focused on the barriers that inhibit my mission (in service and in my life). I lose heart before I allow Him to reveal how He is already working to its completion, bit by bit.

The Lord reminds me that to remain in love with Him is to set my mind on what He is capable of doing… Which is everything, from the down right impossible. Being the Great God that He is, He could choose to trample the plans I have imagined. But because He loves me, He never denies me to freedom to dream big. In fact, He is with me in every day conversation when I am thinking of every crazy dream for my area, family, service and life. And when He laughs at them, I know without a doubt that it’s never out of absurdity but out of fatherly love.

Lord, thank you You for loving me as Your Beloved Child.

Father, in specific way, I pray for the youth of today. May they never lose their ability to imagine your greatness in all that they do. Send them Your Holy Spirit daily, to ignite their hearts with passion to live out the plans you have prepared for them.

(Today is the Feast Day of Saint Rita.) Saint Rita, Patron Saint of the Impossible, pray for us and our big dreams.

Swear off the Superficial

Pretension carries with it a hint of the negative. It’s as if to aspire or to make claim of something greater should be looked down upon. How dare I step out of line? How dare I not meet the expectations that have been placed on me by others? How dare I?!? And so we’re inclined to defer, to hold of, to shelve actively seeking that which might satisfy our desires in lieu of resting calmly and gently on the surface.

I am so bored.

Pretension carries with it a hint of the negative, but there’s an upside.

– –

What is this for? Is this simply a machine meant to reaffirm my personal prayer life? Or is it the opposite, that which can function to truly and unabashedly make way for an authentic, intellectual, yet self-aware — by means of recognizing circumstance — relationship with the Lord?

Who cares about the little details that have led me to know Christ more? Do my experiences even hold the slightest potential of alignment towards another’s journey to knowing the workings of God in our shared existence? Maybe. But are we then simply just piecing together little bits of our neighbours experiences for our own advantage whether ambiguous or definitive? Are we, and do I, simply take what I please from others without every truly knowing them? Or worse… without ever truly loving them?

Do I know and love those whom I take from?

Metaphor, simile and analogies are selfish constructs of the mind with no real assuredness of affiliation to the source.

And so I ask again, do I know and love those whom I take from?

Let’s talk. There lies the upside.

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”

BLESSED… and Can’t Complain

SFC Mission Volunteer SHOUT, Precon Preparation, Flying  a plane, Biking, TNC Preparation, Hot Air Balloon ride (for the nth time?!?!)…

Just a few of the things I am looking forward to in the next two weeks, starting Saturday. I spent my last 2 months working like crazy – working two jobs and over time hours.  And this Friday my part-time job term ends. I JUST CANT WAIT for my first day of freedom! Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining.

First, I have no right to complain. Second, there’s nothing I can complain about. I get tired sometimes. Migraine never fails to visit me every month. I got flu for 2 days. Working from 7am to 11pm every single day is no joke. But have I ever felt really exhausted the past 2 months? No… I felt even blessed.

I am blessed that at the end of each day I have God’s shoulders to rest upon.

I am blessed because I have understanding and loving sisters who would adjust to my schedule to have a household, plus my upper household and mentors who stays and waits patiently for my “come-back.” 😀

I am blessed because I have an adoptive mom and brother in the city who are there when I want to breathe and relax.

I am blessed because I am working with great team-players.

I am blessed because God helps me find time to meet Him amidst my crazy schedules.

I am blessed because miles away I have a loving family away who completely understands that there are times I can’t stay longer on the phone (I owe them “big TIME“!).

And above all, I am blessed knowing that these crazy days at work will end, and great things await me – adventures, service, and bonding times to top them all. 🙂

All forms of stress is never a big deal when you are surrounded with positive people, when you know you are loved, when you know it will end (surely it will) and when you know you have a God up there, embracing you and preparing exciting things for you! You may be currently stuck in a task – whether it is at work, service, or working on a certain commitment…  Keep sweating! Do it with fun!  God works with us – ALL THE TIME, with a big smile!!! And don’t forget that He keeps His promise – “because you know that everyone will receive a reward from the Lord for whatever good he has done.” – (Eph 6:8)

Stay blessed!