
I guess you could look at being overwhelmed in 2 ways:1) Here is google’s definition:


  1. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
  2. Defeat completely.

Here’s the other way that the Lord has truly been pushing me understand the meaning overwhelmed:


1. Drowning in Christ’s love, blessings and opportunities.

2. Undefeated through Christ.

Arriving here in Winnipeg, Manitoba last week on May 8th has been an OVERWHELMING experience so far, but in a good way. I arrived here with some one the CFC YOUTH BIG SKY CORE GROUP welcoming me at the airport with open arms, love and lots of enthusiasm. We were able to go back to the Contreras’ house (My host) where we celebrated God’s blessing of a Full-time pastoral worker in Winnipeg. Already, I have been blessed with being able to participate in: March for life, RYC Session Speaker and Sharer Screenings, Mission trip to Virden, CFC General Assembly, a busy Mother’s day with the Contreras Family, and two one on ones. *HUGE DEEP BREATH IN*

I truly Praise God for overwhelming me with these wonderful experiences that express Christ’s love not only to me but to others. This love from Christ has made me excited to continue finding Him through everything and anything and to continue giving hope to others.

Lord, continue leading, guiding and reminding me that YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE and I am just a vessel for other people to experience you.


May God be praised.

One thought on “Overwhelmed”

  1. Praise God for your jour journey, its always wonderful to read your reflections. it always remind me on how the Lord is being generous to us in giving this mission that we’ve answered.

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