Our Living Salvation

On the cross, He died so that we may be pardoned for our sins and He lived again so that we may be brought salvation. The greatest sacrifice for the greatest love… The sacrifice of One for the salvation of sinners…

How often do we go by each day feeling hurt, feeling angry, frustrated, upset, stressed, and all other things that are just plain negative? In the midst of the busy-ness of the world, I found myself using my mere existence, as a human being, the excuse to why I felt the way I did. That it is “only natural” for me to be this way. Although I am not perfect (in fact, far from it), I now know this:

Deus fit homo ut homo fieret Deus
God became human so that humans might become God

He became human so that we would become witnesses. Witnesses to the living example of HOW we can become living testimonies to this very phrase. God became human. He felt what we felt, and lived how we lived. He saw what we saw and heard what we heard. But most of all, he became human. The very act of becoming human was an ultimate act of humility, living our ways. He wanted to show us how we could live; HOW our Father wants us to live. And He did it all living exactly like us. 

Keeping this in mind, is it really good enough to say “It’s okay because we’re human”? It is, if we don’t know what is wrong. But the very moment we realize what we’re doing or feeling isn’t right, that is our moment of salvation. That is the “God-moment” where He speaks and shows us that this is not the way. And that is the very moment He gives us to act. Jesus did not live a life that was good just because He was the Son of God, but also because He always opened his heart to HEAR Him. Jesus is our example, not just because of the things he did, but because of HOW he lived. 

God wants the same salvation for us. Suffering comes to bring us Salvation. And in the times we suffer – in the small and big ways – we are called to see Him and hear Him so that He may lead us to GOOD in those sufferings. So that we may be led to Him in His ways because His ways are good.

Jesus dying on the cross was not just an act that brought us our salvation, but also the very example of how we should live our lives. That no matter how painful and how hard it is, and no matter how much it does not seem realistic or something possible to do, with love and trust in the Lord, it is in those moments that He is bringing us closer and closer to our Salvation.

Just like Jesus, we are called to submit our lives wholeheartedly… every emotion, every word, every touch, and everything else that is human. We are called to lift it all up to him so that “humans might become God”.

Lord, with complete trust in You, I lift up my life. I lift up my human-ness to You so that I may let go of WHAT I hold onto, and grab hold of only You. For You have hold of my heart. You know the beautiful plans that you have set for me, whether they may hurt or bring happiness. But I know that despite of everything that may come my way, Your greatest plan is to bring me to You and your Salvation. And with complete trust, I pray that I will always be able to LET GO and let YOU in. In You, I trust.