One Body in Christ




We here this all the time that we as a community of believers (the Catholic Church) in Jesus Christ, are ONE BODY. Just like the Original Power Ranger Megazord…

But how?

Each power ranger had a dinosaur robot associated with each of them:

Blue Ranger: Triceratops

Red Ranger: T-Rex

Yellow Ranger: Saber-tooth Tiger

Pink Ranger: Pterodactyl

Black Ranger: Mastodon

These 5 dinosaur Robots combine to make a bigger dinosaur Robot called a MEGAZORD (as shown in the picture) so that they can battle the bigger and badder bad guys. Each dinosaur acts as a specific part of the Megazord (arms, feet, chest, head) As a church, we are essentially the same. We fight the evils of this world and in ourselves together as ONE BODY with Christ being the head and us as His hands and feet.

This weekend was Central Region’s CFC-Youth Regional Conference. Despite the doubts, frustrations, struggles, and worries, the Lord was plain and simple yet profound… VICTORIOUS (how easy is it for us to forget?).

Celebrating 2 years here as a FTPW on May 8th 2015, I could not but help but be overwhelmed with God’s presence influenced by the power of the Holy Spirit in EVERY SINGLE PERSON this weekend. As much as I think we can prepare for the joy that is to be expressed after a RYC, I never do.

With the help of our Blessed Mother Mary and through Jesus and our Father’s Divine mercy and grace, WE GLORIFIED HIM TOGETHER. Everyone did their part with our service being unravelled beautifully by our Lord. One community, one family, one church. We all worked together as one body, with our Lord Jesus Christ as the head.

“The Church …’is the visible plan of God’s love for humanity,’ because God desires ‘that the whole human race may become one People of God, form one Body of Christ, and be built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit.’… ” (CCC 776)

Lord, as we prepare for Pentacost and the birth of the Church, may we continue to be reminded by Your grace that we are one body and with the help of the Holy Spirit, be beacons of light filled with charity to each other and the whole World.



One thought on “One Body in Christ”

  1. Bit of a necropost, but: at our last CLP training in Toronto West, I used the classic Megazord to illustrate the “armour of God” as described in Eph 6:10-18. Love the imagery. 😉

    God bless you more, bro!

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