Obedience of Faith

     Being a young missionary, you would think that there’s only so much I can handle. And… you’re probably right! I’m 20 years old, going to school full time, working on-call, serving for the CFCY GTA full time and now, here I am, as a CFC-Youth MV. Oh, let’s not forget about devoting some time to my family and friends. I’m not finished school until 2015 and right now I’m working to not only to provide for myself – but my family as well, so how on earth am I really managing all these aspects in my life?

      Recently it’s becoming difficult in having to pick and choose between where I would go every weekend. Family party or service/event in CFC-Youth? And somehow, I stick to either a Kids for Christ event or CFC Youth event. My friends and CC’s in CFC-Youth are ecstatic at how active I’m becoming again here in the community… My family members on the other hand, are not impressed with how less time I’ve been spending with them lately. Besides my parents, my other relatives have very different values about their view on life and growing up. No matter how many times I’ll try to explain the livelihood of CFC-Youth, they still won’t understand the choices I make. For example, spending a lot of time serving, going to CFC-Youth events, not going out and partying with friends or the “oh, where is your boyfriend?! How come you don’t have one?”

Lately, my values and morals have shifted quite drastically and geared more so towards the Lord and what He intends for me. So yes, I do understand where they’re coming from, a year or two ago having that significant other was SO important to me, I never wanted to be alone and I wanted that feeling of being with someone. But now, I wish they understood that it’s not that I’m not “looking”, but I truly believe that God’s time is the right time.

     Serving the Lord full time has definitely opened my eyes. I’ve become so occupied with several different things; He wants me to be with Him. To focus on Him and what He has planned for me. In the past I’ve always tried to occupy myself with partying, going out, being in a relationship and it’s caused me to turn away from Him and I’ve noticed that it is not a part of His plan for me to be doing these.

Then I learned the gift of obedience.

Through him and for his name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.” (Romans 1:5).

     I learned that by obeying His words and proclaiming it, we’re learning to exercise the obedience of faith. I’ve turned away from those temptations and serving Him helps me remain steadfast and faithful. Alongside serving, going to school to fulfill not only my dreams but to be able to provide for my family. These current aspects in my life are what continues me to be so driven with the Lord and His love.

     His constant reminder that His plans are far more greater than what I have planned for myself.

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9