
Lord, how I long to be with You.

I’m currently readying myself to become a college graduate as I tackle a high pile of final projects and prepare for my final exams. I share in the stress and struggle of post-secondary students everywhere during this season and similar to many of my peers, I dread this time. I dread it not because of the amount of work that needs to be done, but because it is harder for me to spend time with the Lord in solitude.

I know that no matter where I am or what I am doing, God is always with me, but am I with Him? I find a great disturbance in my prayer when my mind is attached to a schedule of deadlines and ongoing tasks. There is so much noise, my mind is too clouded. I find myself talking more instead of listening in the silence, instead of just being in His presence.

I’m easily focused on the things that are right in front of me. I find myself in a situation similar to the disciples on their way to Emmaus when they were so focused on the Crucifixion instead of the living Christ that was walking among them. Lord, shift my focus on You. Whenever I complete something with my focus on the surface, all I receive is a surface level satisfaction, one that will not last. I must learn to look deeper and focus on the God that is within everything, working in everything, in order that I may have a deeper fulfillment, one that is everlasting. I long for something only the Lord can satisfy and I need to be more sensitive in His presence within my life, even if it’s in my projects, my exam, and even my secular friends.

Lord, allow me the grace to see You move in my life. Make me sensitive to your Holy Spirit and continue to guide me so that I may not lose sight of You. May I notice Your every step, as You walk with me to Emmaus. Amen.