No Expectations

I had my first one-on-one with a sister, as I started my new assignment. One of the few things that I always make sure when I have my first one-on-ones is to set each other’s expectations especially that I am their Fulltime Pastoral Worker.

I was surprised when she said that she doesn’t expect anything from me. Great! Then I can just choose not to be cautious of myself around her. Before I went to bed I was reflecting on what she said. Is it really how it should be? What is the Lord trying to tell me in this encounter?

Yes, of course! More than focusing on meeting the expectation of people, I have to meet God’s expectation first. More than doing what is expected, I have to do everything because of love, because of God first. More than the delivery of output, I have to express love first so they will know that I am bringing God. More than being a missionary, I have to acknowledge that God loved me first.


Lord you initiated this relationship with me. You already knew me before I was born. You already loved me before I even knew you. Lord remind me always that it is all because of You. My actions, words, thoughts and my emotions are Yours. You are the reason of service. Direct me what to do and say so I will give glory to Your name at all times.”




Philippians 1:29