Much to Learn

Oh feels great to finally be able to log onto a computer and post a reflection.

” I will not be a burden, because I do not want what is yours but You…I will most gladly spend to be spent by You. If I love more, am I to be loved less?” 

                                                                                                              -2 Corinthians 12:15

This is a verse that I am very inspired by and probably is one of my favorite verses.

It just yells self-giving… not self-giving in a way where its completely going no where…but self-giving in a way where we acknowledge that all belongs to our Lord. That in our own interior castles, we allow the Lord to walk in in us. Ultimately, we want what He plans for us.

My favorite part of this verse is the very last bit, “If I love more, am I to be loved less?”

Beautiful because it ties with our theme this year in the family ministries to “Love More”, yet this verse questions, “am I to be loved less?”

Another beautiful indication that we are called to great humility. To love like our Lord did to the very end of our lives without questioning to receive back.

Oh man…so much has happened in the start of this year. I’ve learned so much AND so much has happened. I’ve been blessed blindly. I’ve been motivated in heart, mind and soul…though there is much to learn, I accept the challenge to love more!

“Are you going to do what is right or what is Easy?”

Deo Gloria