Mission Zone

For the past 2 Saturdays, I was able to visit two of Edmonton’s mission areas: Lloydminster and Red Deer/Ponoka/Lacombe (RDPL). These mission areas are my MV Assignment serving alongside a fellow MV. After 5 months of being MV, I finally received my mission assignment and this month has been a start of the real deal of MV life. I was already getting an inkling that this would be my service assignment after I led the RDPL camp earlier this year (with a fellow MV who’s also my current counterpart).

Why “Mission Zone?” These visits for the past two Saturdays really showed me the foretaste of what mission life is like. First challenge was that I didn’t have my counterpart to join me for the two events.

For last week’s RDPL visit, the event happened at the park since we couldn’t find a venue. And as the event progressed, it rained heavily (just as I started my talk). Eventually, I decided to stop my talk because the rain overpowered my voice, haha. Though it was cold, we were able to bond through singing to Liveloud songs and jamming to pop songs. Though my plan didn’t work, I still feel blessed because I feel like the youth got closer. We prayed together while hugging as one group. I knew then that building relationship is really MORE important in the progress of the area more so than my talks/sessions. Funny thing was my talk was going to be about comfort zones. The whole event was definitely not in my our comfort zones but The Lord never left us. As RDPL youth, we stayed and faced the coldness together. Instead of sadness, we prayed and rejoiced. We rose above the challenge.

For Lloyd, it was my first event there. I knew some of the youth because I was there last year at their first camp but I was still really nervous. The event also happened outdoors. My talk was about CFCYouth 101. Despite all bumps, I was really affirmed. After my talk, I tasked them to come up with ideas of what they want to see happening or how they want Lloyd to grow. While listening to them, it was affirming and blessing because even though I realize that there’s really more work to be done (since they are a fresh area) but the youth there are willing to grow. That’s what’s needed for His will to happen in Lloyd.

As I reflect on these events, “mission zone,” is really going out of my comfort zone. From coordinating events with CC’s, to asking other CFCYEDM youth to serve, preparing for a talk, and confirming things are just some of the things that I’m constantly learning and growing. I know there will be more challenges but I’m definitely excited to continue serving these mission areas. Though it’s uncomfortable, I know the Lord called my counterpart and I to reach out to the youth from these mission areas. As long as I continue to pray and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit,, I know that His plan for these mission areas will be fulfilled, one event at a time.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13