Mission… Ready?

I was asked to help lead a Confirmation Retreat done by CFC-Youth, and I was very willing to be a part of it, but was quite unaware of how the Lord would challenge me that weekend. I ended up having to play songs on guitar for the retreat but it was only two songs I needed to learn and I’m not particularly an amazing guitar player… I don’t even know most chords. That was reasonable and since it was only two songs, no big deal right? But what really got me out of my comfort zone wasn’t playing for the retreat, but I was asked to play guitar for the CFC Christian Life Program that was occurring the day before the retreat.


Deep breathing. Wide eyes. Growing doubt. Heartbeats that felt like hammers pounding in my chest.

Just to name a few things I was feeling the moment I was asked to play a couple of hours before the CLP started. The term ‘Mission ready’ couldn’t have fit any better. But if it weren’t for the yes and the initial willingness to serve, I wouldn’t have been able to witness this:


This was taken during Nica Agregado’s talk entitled “God & Me”. I had no idea of the reward of overwhelming joy that would follow from this point on until the end of the retreat. If I decided to doubt in my anointing and my talents then the Lord’s plan for me would’ve had a quick ending without allowing it to unfold and influence me. The weekend reminded me of how the Lord is CONSTANTLY reaching out to me every day and is always asking me to trust in His plan. The weekend allowed me to reflect if I’m even responding to Him in the first place. I pray that every individual keeps in mind a mission ready heart, ready to be tested and rewarded by the Lord and His mercy.


Published by

Fred Balce

Just giving the Lord the opportunity to work in me.