Millennial Saints

In my so far short lifetime, I’ve witnessed the canonization of a few “recent” people, which would include St. Pope John Paul II, and St. Theresa of Calcutta, both of whom I had to remember to add the “St” title to. I would say that I do know both of the saints to a decent extent, and St. Pope John Paul II was alive during my life, whoever considering I didn’t have my spiritual awakening until after they passed away, I wouldn’t have the confidence say I’ve gotten to witness their lives first hand. My ignorance of the Saints and other holy people, had left me considering them more as legends from stories than historical people that walked this earth. As I have come to recognize that holiness is a universal call for God’s people, my mind wanders to the saints that walk among us now. Those who’s stories are still in their infancy like Augustine in his life prior to conversion, or St. Francis Xavier as he began his mission to Asia. It’s incredible to know that the stories and epic tales of faith are being lived right now, that friendships that would go beyond this world are being forged around us. I’ve come to believe this more and more, as I witness the journeys of holiness all around me.

The desire for God is written in the hearts of all man, this is the universal call. We can only speculate the daily lives of the saints of antiquity, even that of their contemporaries. However we don’t need to worry ourselves with what a day in the life of St. Theresa of Liseaux was like because God has unique story, a story for us to experience first hand. The saints lived lives in experiencing the joy of the Lord, as so can we. Our “saint lives” don’t begin suddenly, they already begun, before we were born we were already consecrated (Jer 1:5). We have the daily opportunity to experience Christ, to live as saints do, in the fullness of life form God.   As an aside, I like to humour myself with the idea that a cell phone may end up becoming a second class relic of a millennial saint, and their biographies would included tweets, and facebook post.

Recommended Reading and inspiration for this reflection: GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE