Men of Action

Being a man is a lot harder than we sometimes put on.

This Saturday the Region Canadien of Montreal and Ottawa had our RYC. One thing that’s very clear about our region is that there are a lot more sisters than brothers. Not only that, but the sisters are strong, crazy strong. Praise God for that.

As much as I would love to talk about the strong and faithful sisters that I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by, this past weekend God revealed Himself to me through our brothers.

Men of Action

John Magtibay
This brother’s YES to become Area Head this year was truly reflected in his closing Praisefest. Through John I learned that God does provide when we respond to his invitation. Praise God for John.

Kenneth Empaynado
God really transformed this brother during RYC. Kenneth was not the same person at the end of the day. God showed me how to remain trusting in His Spirit through this brother. Praise God for Kenneth.

Jon Eric Marababol
Through all the stress and technical difficulties of leading the A/V committee, Jon Eric showed me how to remain joyful in service by appreciating every little victory. Praise God for Jon Eric.

Dominic Lat
Serving logistics is a sure-fire way to feel stressed, and although Dominic had a lot on his plate for RYC, he showed me the importance of remaining calm before the Lord. Praise God for Dominic.

Marko De Guzman
God calls us to be flexible, and Marko showed me how during RYC by having to completely readjust the competition schedules on the go. Praise God for Marko.

Jon Paul Marababol
JP is a man who really listens to his counterpart. His respect for Michelle clearly illustrates to me that God calls brothers to care deeply for sisters. Praise God for JP.

Edward Alvarez
Serving for RYC by taking pictures means you that at times you need to be disconnected from what’s happening. Edward showed me how to sacrifice for the mission by putting himself last. Praise God for Edward.

Lance Gabriel
This brother’s worship showed me one simple thing, the importance of integrity. This brother is overflowing with it. Praise God for Lance.

Kevin Muico
Our new full-time pastoral worker for CFC-Youth Canada demonstrated to me how to be in communion with the Lord, by inviting his Spirit to the conversation. Praise God for Kevin.

These brothers may have not all been in the spotlight during RYC, but they deserve to be honored. They served as committee heads, worship leaders, session speakers, and this RYC could not have succeeded without their leadership.

Being a man is tough.

There are so many expectations on us to be strong, to carry the weak, to lead, to be fearless and so much more. Being a male leader in this community should freak us out because of what’s at stake, but the Lord showed me how truly rely on Him this RYC. He asked me to be accepting of affirmation in our work given to us through the brothers and sisters that He has blessed us with in this amazing community.

God calls us to reinforce one another.


Being a brother is tough, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

– Jesse R.

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