(June 6, 2016)
This weekend I was blessed to witness two amazing people become husband and wife. Jesse and Hannah are two role models for myself and for many other people in the community. This was the first time I attended a wedding and I was even blessed to be part of the preparations for the wedding ceremony. It honestly felt like a conference but it was totally worth it. Congratulations to the beautiful couple!
The next day, we went to mass at St-Patrick’s Basilica and the homily was all about celebrating the love of God though the Eucharist. Fr. Janil reminded us that the eucharist is a meeting place. The altar is where Jesus comes to meet us and desires to be with us. As I was hearing this, I was reminded of how much (kuya) Jesse and (ate) Hannah desired to meet Christ and desired for other people to meet Him as well. They invited everyone they knew and perhaps didn’t know to their wedding ceremony. They wanted everyone to join them as they meet Christ and each other at the altar. This is very much who they are. It was a beautiful reminder that as christians, we are not meant to experience Christ for ourselves. HE is meant to be shared and I thank the newlyweds for sharing Christ to me through their relationship and through their marriage.
However, what happens when we leave the meeting place? What happens when we walk through the doors of the church and step outside? After meeting Christ at the altar, am I bringing him wherever I am so that others may meet him as well? We’re supposed to feel different. We’re supposed to be different because Christ is with us. Are we taking love, joy and compassion with us as we leave our meeting place? The Lord patiently continues to wait for us at our meeting place and I pray that we are always reminded of that. May we never forget that His mercy never fails.
Lord God, I pray that I may reflect you in all of my actions. That I may never get tired of meeting you at the altar, just as you never cease to get tired of waiting for me. I pray that my heart never remains the same because you are continually transforming it. Finally, I pray Lord that you may bless Kuya Jesse and Ate Hannah as they continue to meet you at the altar and that they may be bearers of your love, joy and compassion to everyone they encounter. Amen
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

See you again soon, same place, same time.