Love is a Choice

In truth, if we want to invest our time with someone we love then we make it happen.

Similar to our relationships with family, friends and significant others, to love someone is a choice.  If you love someone, you will want to spend time with them and converse with them. It’s a choice you continually make.

Likewise, if we love God then we need to choose Him. Not just once, but repeatedly.  We need to choose to love Him and to know Him daily.  In truth, if we want to invest our time with someone we love then we make it happen.  To love Him enough to sacrifice an extra hour of sleep, give up a Netflix show or time spent on social media is a definitive action.

Recently I made the commitment to attend daily mass.  In the past, various friends and family suggested I should if I was truly serious about improving my prayer life and seeking Him fully.  I made various excuses from needing more naptime, busy with service or was focusing on my studies.  Yesterday marked the end of 3 weeks straight.  I can firmly say that the last 21 days have been the best in my life.  I have been graced each day in receiving Jesus.  This in turn has grounded me and has reminded me to put my trust in Him always.  In showing my love for Him and choosing to love Him in this way daily, He has granted me countless blessings in return.

Through prayer we speak with Him.

Through service we show our love to Him.

Through evangelization we share our love of Him to others.

Through the sacraments we spend quality time with and commune with Him.