Loud as Lions

If one gives answer before hearing, it is folly and shame

Proverbs 18:13


I’ve always saw myself as someone who would always have my own sense of “living loud”. All my life, I have found an interest in speaking. Even in elementary school I always entered the “Speech Arts” Competitions happening around all the province. I love to speak. I’m not gonna lie, sometimes even when I observe some of the FTPW’s, they’re so calm! Such a light voice but with a presence of a wide open heart. I always wondered why I find that in them.

So, these last few weeks have been a bit of a challenge. I really found myself at the edge of achieving a sense of humility and that if I failed in that I would fall ever so quickly to the biggest sense of pride. 

Long story short, it was the first time I really had argued with someone in the longest time. Though I kept my composure, I was my usual self. Loud as a lion. Full of energy in the way I spoke, trying so desperately to have that energy be reciprocated as if everything I said was right.

Long story short, as much as I was quick to respond back, even with a heart of good intentions…I was told that it was more intimidating that I let my mouth be an instrument of pride. That I let my mouth be as loud as a lion, but I wasn’t living loud with a heart of a brother.

I immediately was told by the Lord,

“Listen. Live loud in faith. Live loud in action. Let me do the speaking.”

ANYWAYS, back to the whole observation of the calm posture that I’ve been able to observe in our beautiful FTPW’s…I can see why.

It really does help having a calming heart. If anything, we’ve been taught to hear that the Lord speaks in the silence of our hearts…not much through our own mouths. Imagine how much more fruitful conversations would be if we took the time to seek the Lord in the listening we do with others.

I’m not broken about this. In fact, if it wasn’t for having that argument, I would have never found out that the Lord never wanted me to be as loud as a lion, but to have the fearless, courageous, loyal and faithful heart of one. 

Thank You Lord for the 24 years of my life. May I do nothing, but allow You to work in my every thought, desire, and every little detail in my soul. May I continue to learn to listen. To speak only of You. To allow who I cross in my service, to see the victory of Your cross in their lives. 

Deo Gloria.